Linux 软件免费装

Direct Link Translator

开发者 djinnznathan
更新时间 2020年12月21日 19:09
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.6
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


google translate yandex baidu deepl


0.1.7 0.1.8


This plugin is my first project as I needed it for my work. For building an online language learning system, I needed a quick way to let the users directly translate specific words or sentences on DeepL within a lection. Right now it translates from German to English. You can add the translation tags where shortcodes work. To generate a link, surround the text with the specific tag of the used translation service. You can add standard colors or a specific ones as hex or RGB.



Which languages are supported?

Theoretically all languages that the translation services offers, are supported. When fully setup, the user clicks on the link, which opens the translation page of the service. After that, the user can change the destination language.

Can I change the reference language?

Yes, you can add the parameter fromLang.

What are the standard languages used when not adding parameters?

The reference language is German and the translation is set to English.
