Import and export your block based theme design: global/custom styles, templates, template parts and patterns.
Easily move your custom full site editing theme design from one website to another, or from a local installation to a live site.
Ideal for designers and developers working with the Site Editor and a block based full-site-editing theme, who have edited their block based custom styles, templates, template parts and patterns, and now need to copy that design over to a new WordPress installation.
The Design Import/Export plugin allows this to be done with minimal fuss, and can also be used to take regular backups of your block theme based design(s).
Works with any full-site-editing block theme.
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit 'Plugins > Add New',
- Search for 'design import export' and install the plugin.
- Activate 'Design Import/Export' from your Plugins page.
Once the plugin is activated you will find the plugin page in
Design Import/Export