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Dessky Responsive Slider

开发者 dessky
更新时间 2023年10月10日 19:44
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.3
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


responsive slideshow slider responsive slideshow mobile responsive slider responsive image slider simple slider flexslider banner slider image slider image slideshow jquery slider jquery photo slider mobile responsive photo slider mobile slider dessky simple responsive slider flex slider minimal slider dessky slider sliding images slider responsive slider mobile carousel slider with text slider with text sliding banner


1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7


The "Dessky Responsive Slider" is a simple and light-weight plugin for creating only one slideshow with a shortcode. You can add slider's shortcode at a chosen location within your theme, page, or a post. Click here to see the Demo Dessky Responsive Slider plugin is fully responsive and it will automatically adjust to the width of every responsive theme. It works out of the box and there is no need for any customization. This plugin requires Classic Editor to be installed and active. Plugin was developed by Dessky.
Premium Support Unfortunately Dessky team does not provide support for the Dessky Responsive Slider on the forums. In order to get support from a Dessky Team you will have to purchase it here. Bug Reports Bug reports for the Dessky Responsive Slider plugin are welcomed on Forums. Dessky Team will respond only to the posts that are properly qualified as bugs and fix them as soon as possible.
Credits: Dessky Responsive Slider is based on the 'Responsive Slider' plugin developed by Griden. Tree vector graphic is designed by Freepik.


  1. Upload the plugin folder dessky-responsive-slider to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" page in WordPress.
  3. After activating a new menu item "Slides" would appear under "Pages".
  4. Go to Slides -> Settings and configure the slider options.
  5. Go to Slides -> Add New Slide and create couple of slides.
  6. For using slider in the theme itself place <?php do_shortcode( '[dessky_responsive_slider]' ); ?> . Alternatively you can use [dessky_responsive_slider] into a post or a page - just like any other shortcode, or you can use shortcode slider button at the top of the content editor.
That's it. Your site should now display the slider at the chosen location.


  • 'Edit Slide' page
  • 'Dessky Responsive Slider Settings' page.
  • Front-end of the Slider.


  • This is still initial plugin version so no upgrade notice.


Would the Dessky Responsive Slider work in my theme?

The plugin has been tested with more than 40 popular WordPress themes. It should work in yours too.

Does my theme need to be 'responsive' in order to use this plugin?

No, not at all. You can use it with any theme.

Can I change the way it looks?

You can easily override the slider CSS in your theme. The fastest approach is to use a tool like Firebug to find the snippet you need to override. Then copy it to your theme CSS file (usually 'style.css') and edit it there, using a CSS selector with higher priority.

Can I create more than one slider?

No, currently the plugin can create only one slider.


1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4