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Dhiti Dive

开发者 Dhiti
更新时间 2011年5月31日 18:02
PHP版本: 2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.0.4


related content recommendations faceted navigation interactive discovery informed navigation topic enrichment pivoting keyhole dhiti dive content discovery content enrichment contextual content co-discovery semantic web exploratory search



Dhiti is full featured content discovery software for your wordpress site. Dhiti installs in minutes, and creates 1000s of focused resource pages on topics your site deals with. Further, these topics are recommended contextually from the rest of your site - while someone is reading your article, or has just finished reading it. Dhiti also powers a contextual recommendation widget that is placed after your article. Get ready to see more than 2x improvement in user engagement on your site. What does our widget do to your site? Please take a look at the following Youtube video for a demo( Dhiti is cloud-based software. Our plugin helps crawl and semantically index your site on our servers. We later add script tags in appropriate contexts in your HTML and make calls to our API from your user's browser. We do not touch your DB, and do not cause any server outage for you. We just increase traffic and user engagement for you, and make your site's fantastic content be extremely discoverable. Get awesome features - exclusive to big publishers - for free! == Installation == Our semantic technology supports only English sites now. If you have a non-English site, we'd love to inform you when we launch support for other languages. Please leave us a note.
  1. Download
  2. Upload the plugin ZIP file into your wordpress admin console (Plugins -> Add New -> Upload), or extract it to the wp-content/plugins folder.
  3. Activate 'Dhiti Dive' plugin
  4. Request for crawling your site from the 'Dhiti Dive' settings page, or set the 'Dhiti ID' if you have received a sample crawl in email from us.
The Dhiti Dive widget will be added after your article. Explore and Discover! Contact us at for any help in installation. We love to hear from you!


  • first version


What is 'Dhiti ID'?

Its a unique name given to your blog on It will be in the mail sent by us if you had requested for 'Dhiti Dive' from

How can I request Dhiti Dive for my site?

The easiest option is to install Dhiti Dive, navigate to plugin settings page, and click on 'send request'. Our widget will be up and running in less than a minute.


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