Linux 软件免费装

Disable Everything

开发者 dessky
更新时间 2025年2月19日 00:27
PHP版本: 3.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


speed performance elementor lightweight contact form 7 jetpack remove disable w3tc autoptimize bloat disable comments disable right click right click dessky ultralight disable updates disable pingback disable emojis unbloat disable revisions disable post revisions disable search disable lazy loading disable yoast seo bloat disable yoast disable yoast seo disable seo bloat disable woocommerce bloat disable bloat clean dashboard disable xml rpc disable xml disable rpc disable rsd disable everything remove bloat elementor bloat jetpack promotions contact form 7 bloat cf7 bloat autoptimize toolbar w3 total cache html footer comments w3tc html footer comments w3tc footer comments


0.4.0 0.4.1 0.1.1 0.2.1 0.2.0 0.3.0


Do you know what is better for a website performance then installing a good caching plugin and getting more expensive hosting?


Installing "Disable Everything" can be done either by searching for "Disable Everything" via the "Plugins > Add New" screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:
  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the 'Plugins > Add New > Upload' screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Once activated go to:
  1. ‘Settings’ > ‘Disable Everything‘ page
  2. In ‘Options’ check any feature that you do not intend to use
  3. When everything is checked scroll down to the bottom and click on ‘Save Changes’
That’s it, you can start enjoying magic!


0.4.1 0.4.0 0.3.0 0.2.1 0.2.0 0.1.1 0.1.0