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Disable Plugin Deactivation

开发者 pawaryogesh1989
更新时间 2021年1月5日 19:03
PHP版本: 5.0 or higher 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.6
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


plugin delete disable plugin plugin disable remove plugin notification wordpress disable plugin update disable plugin edit remove plugin update plugin notification remove wordpress wordpress plugin update plugin edit plugin activate plugin deactivate plugin update disable plugin edit disable plugin delete disable plugin activate disable plugin deactivate disable.


1.0.0 2.0.0 2.1.0 2.2.0


This plugin can be used to disable plugin deactivation, activation, deletion, edit, and update. Sometimes when working for client we create multiple Admin accounts. So in many of the cases clients are not technical and can mess with the plugin settings by activating, deactivating, updating, deleting plugins. To avoid such a scenario this plugin can be used. Features of the plugin are as follows: Details For more information please refer the screenshots.


The Plugin can be installed in two ways. Download and Install
  1. Download and upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/disable-plugin-deactivation directory from the Wordpress plugin repository.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress admin.
Using Plugin Interface
  1. Open the plugin Interface in the wordpress admin and click on "Add new".
  2. In the Search box enter "Disable Plugin Deactivation" and hit Enter.
  3. Click on "Install" to install the plugin.


  • screenshot-1 - Plugin option to manage notifications.
  • screenshot-1 - Plugin option to manage notifications.
  • screenshot-1 - Plugin option to manage notifications.
  • screenshot-1 - Plugin option to manage notifications.
  • screenshot-1 - Plugin option to manage notifications.


Does Disable Plugin Deactivation plugin modify any file?

No! The plugin does not modify any of your Wordpress files.

Is there any plugin dependency to install this plugin?

No! there is no other plugin required.

Does this plugin require any special permissions?

No! This plugin does not require any special permissions or settings.

Can this plugin be used in multi network websites?

Yes, it can be used in multi network websites.

Can this plugin restrict other admins in network websites?

Yes, using this plugin the super admin can now restrict admins from updating/deleting plugins in multi network installs.


2.2.0 2.1.0 2.0.0 1.0.0