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Display Custom Post

开发者 smallbusinesswebdesign
更新时间 2023年2月27日 23:23
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


post grid custom post shortcode custom post wordpress custom posts custom post display display custom post display blog posts


2.0 1.0


This plugin allow you to display your blog posts or custom posts on a page within few seconds. You will need to select the post type from dropdown along with few other settings(optional) and it will provide you shortcode such as [dcp_show type='your-custom-post-slug'] that you need to add in order to display posts in grid layout. Please note that, you don't need to save plugin settings. Everytime, when you change the settings and generate shortcode, it would give you the new shortcode that you can use. Features of Display Custom Post WordPress Plugin:
  1. It provide you ready-made grid layout for all post types including blog posts.
  2. It is mobile responsive as well.
  3. Multiple Layouts:
    • Default
    • Grid Layout
    • Full Width Layout
    • Boxed Layout (Image Left - Content Right)
    • Boxed Layout (Content Left - Image Right)
    • Content Overlay Layout
  4. Certain optional settings are also provided:
    • Show only specific posts
    • Exclude specific posts
    • Number of posts to be displayed on a page (*it supports pagination)
    • Order of the posts to be displayed either ascending or descending
    • Orderby - Supports multiple options
  5. Option to show post author, comments count and post publish date
  6. Very much lightweight and easy to use


  1. Upload Display Custom Post to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Admin Menu --> Display Custom Post


  • Layout: Boxed Layout (Content Left - Image Right)
  • Layout: Content Overlay Layout
  • Plugin Settings 02
  • Layout: Default
  • Layout: Grid Layout
  • Layout: Full Width Layout
  • Layout: Boxed Layout (Image Left - Content Right)
  • Layout: Boxed Layout (Content Left - Image Right)
  • Layout: Content Overlay Layout
  • Plugin Settings 02
  • Layout: Default


Can I show blog posts using your plugin?

= How can I generate shortcode for my blog posts or other custom posts? Simply go to plugin settings page by navigating 'Admin Menu --> Display Custom Post'. There you would find specific settings (Left Side), you may need to choose them and click on the button 'Generate Shortcode' (right side). It would instantly provide you the shortcode that you can use it. For more info, please check the screenshots provided. = Can I create multiple shortcode to show on different pages? Yes you can create and use multiple shortcodes using this plugin. There is no restriction on it. Yes you can.

How can I display all posts on a single page without pagination?

You will have to add -1 into setting option "Post Limit Per Page" while creating the Shortcode. = I need to show only specific posts. Is it possible? Yes, there is specific setting for the same. = I need to exclude specific posts. Is it possible? Yes, there is specific setting for the same. = What are the default styles of the shortcode elements? Element styles woule be inherited from your active theme.

How to show custom posts associated with custom taxonomies?

This feature will launch in next release. You may contact us for details. = Is it Woocommerce supported? Yes, you can also show Woocommerce products using this plugin.

I need any custom or additional feature, what should I do?

We are always happy to help you. Please contact us on


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