Display Text allows you to add text, html, adsense code, javascript code, to a post or a page or code.
Plugin's Official Site
Display Text (http://magicsparktechnology.com)
Upload Display Text folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in your WordPress admin panel.
You can adjust necessary settings through your WordPress admin panel in "Settings" > "Display Text".
Create a page or a post or in code, and insert shortcode [display_text_short] to the text.
If you want to display text content display in code then just write <?php echo do_shortcode("[display_text_short]"); ?> in your any file(index.php,header.php,footer.php,any file)
Actions: Display Text allows you to add text.
Actions: Display Text allows you to add html.
Actions: Display Text allows you to add adsense code, javascript code, to a post or a page or code.
Label: There is a possibility to change a label when the fields of the form are displayed.