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Displet Theme Code Helper

开发者 displetdev
更新时间 2013年4月7日 13:00
PHP版本: 2.0.2 及以上


theme fix shortcode formatting api funny broken themeforest forest odd unusual spacing weird




Numerous unsavvy theme developers have engaged in a bad practice of replacing WordPress' default Shortcode API formatting with a custom formatting function, which can produce unanticipated malformed plugin output. This plugin removes the faulty code that was unwisely suggested in a blog that unfortunately has been implemented by not-so-great theme developers. Read more about the bad practice and its origins: Most of all, don't purchase a theme from ThemeForest - they're aware of the bad practice and have done nothing to proactively remove the faulty themes from their website. They say they're on the way to better quality control practices - well that starts with taking down the themes that utilize bad practices and they're not willing to even do that. Ugh.


  1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


What is this for?

To prevent a poorly coded theme from creating problems with plugins that shouldn't and wouldn't happen had the theme developer not tried to re-invent the wheel that wasn't broken (following the advice of a blogger that didn't know any better). There's nothing wrong with the formatting that's provided by WordPress - you just have to know what you're doing well enough to use it properly, and you should if you call yourself a theme devloper.

