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DIYCWare Image Editor

开发者 Mark_Bailly
更新时间 2014年7月9日 09:23
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.9
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


image image upload image editor canvas diy web to print


1.0 2.0 2.2 v2p2


If you are a printing business or photography business, you can add this plugin to your store so that customers can upload and edit images. The customer uploads the image, makes adjustments, selects the type of media, saves the image as a product, and adds it to the cart. The tool uses the Woocommerce plugin for the store management. We have a demo WP site that you can view HERE. Requirements:
  1. Imagemagick on your hosting service. Most hosting companies have Imagemagick on their servers for image creation/editing.
  2. Woocommerce
  3. Turn on permalinks (pretty URLs).
Current Image Editing Features:
  1. Cropping
  2. Brightness
  3. Contrast
  4. Sepia
More features will be added in the future, depending on demand. Version 2.3 now includes support for other languages. A POT file exists in the languages directory that can be used to translate the plugin to other languages. Documentation Please read the complete Owners Manual. The Pro Version is now available. The Pro version includes:
  1. Advanced cropping with pre-defined templates or boxes.
  2. Use without e-commerce - images stored to user account.
  3. Require user login to use image editor and to save images.
  4. Complete Admin page with ability to set cropping features. Disable/enable any of the image editor tools.
  5. Image editor tools added - hue and grayscale.
Pro version soon with many more features and functionality. We have two demo sites for the pro version - HERE and HERE. Support For the quickest response to a question, please email us using the email address on our web site. Or use the support forums on this page. Translations Spanish (es) - Contributed by Andrew Kurtis at


  1. Install from your admin page OR follow steps 2 through 6.
  2. Download the zip file for the plugin.
  3. Unzip it to your local machine.
  4. Upload the diyc-image-editor directory to your plugins. Note: If you use the Windows zip extract tool you will end-up with a double directory 'diyc-image-editor\diyc-image-editor'. If this is the case then you need to upload the lower of the two directories.
  5. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  6. Read the complete Owners Manual.


  • Image Editor Gui
  • Image added to cart
  • Image Editor Gui
  • Image added to cart
  • Image Editor Gui
  • Image added to cart


2.3.1 Important Update. Fixes lost file that was dropped from the 2.3 upload - diyc-header.php. 2.3 This update fixes a bug when image is saved with sepia. Adds language support. Cleans up js file for improved functionality and to be aligned with the Pro version. 2.2 This update fixes an error with cropping. Please upgrade. 2.1 Fixes bug that may product incorrect image parameters in saved image details. Please upgrade. 2.0 New version no longer requires etra plugin. Saved image creates a new product. 1.0 Initial Release.


2.3.1 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.0