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Shipping by Weight for WooCommerce

开发者 digireturn
更新时间 2025年2月10日 20:42
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


shipping woocommerce weight peso spedizioni weight based



Manage shipping costs based on the total weight of the products in the cart. Available in English, Italian, Spanish and French * It's possible create various tables, with custom costs and link them to shipping zones to generate one precise and flexible mapping. There is also a function for checking the weight of the products, where it will be possible to view the list of products to which the weight has not been assigned or has a zero value. ATTENTION: before activating the weight-based method make sure that all products have the field weight correctly set (also for variable products, etc.). The author not assumes responsibility of any anomalies generated. Verify and perform all appropriate tests first to use it in the production environment.


This plugin requires you to have the WooCommerce plugin already installed and activated in WordPress. – Download the plugin. – Install and active the plugin on your WordPress Admin site.


  • Create table with ranges of cost weight-based (now with infinite option)
  • Add weight-based method and select table in WooCommerce shipping zones page
  • Let active method
  • Check for products with weight field missing
  • New check system for overlaps and other errors


1.2.2 fix "index array not found" warning message on create first table 1.1.1 Tested on WordPress 6.4.3 1.1 1.0.2 fixed session conflict warning 1.0.1 updated readme.txt info with link for guide 1.0.0 added check overlaps errors added infinite option for maximum weight field added rules summary for each table added test page for try custo weight added spanish languages 0.9.4 added french languages 0.9.3 fix warning in empty list 0.9.2 fix found cost and added function for log to file 0.9.1 fix list of products without weight field, now it exclude variation if parent product has weight 0.9