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Dotdigital for WordPress

开发者 dotMailer
更新时间 2025年2月25日 20:49
WordPress版本: 6.7.2
版权: MIT
版权网址: 版权信息


email marketing newsletter signup


1.3.3 1.4.3 1.3.0 1.4.0 1.2.1 1.3.2 1.3.4 1.3.1 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.4 1.4.5 7.3.0


Add the Dotdigital for WordPress plugin to your site and allow your visitors to sign up to your Dotdigital-powered newsletter and email marketing campaigns. The email addresses of new subscribers can be added to multiple Dotdigital lists. If you're not a Dotdigital user already you can find out more about us at


Please refer to our documentation for detailed information on installation and usage.


  • Select list(s).
  • Capture additional contact data.
  • Add a simple newsletter signup form in the WordPress editor.
  • Add an embedded survey from Dotdigital.
  • Add a popover form from Dotdigital.


  • Mod: the plugin is rewritten using the dotmailer REST (v2) API
  • Add: endpoint discovery added - now your API calls use your regional API URL
  • Fix: a few small layout fixes
  • Add: Redirection options in plugin admin, now you can redirect your users to a Thank You page after subscription
  • Add: redirection attribute for the shortcode, which lets you use redirections locally from your form shortcodes
  • Add: Now you can add the dotMailer form with the [dotmailer-signup] shortcode to your posts and pages
  • Fix: Wrong input type in forms (String) changed to (text)
  • Fix: Some code cleanup
  • Fix: Now the user stays on the same page instead of being redirected to the home page after submission
  • Fix: Remove warning in the widget if no contact data was saved into the DB
  • Fix: Version number confusion
  • Mod: Now initial default messages are save automatically to the database during plugin activation, so users need one step less to set it up properly.
  • Mod: Now user settings are not deleted on plugin deactivation. Settings are only deleted if you uninstall the plugin.
  • Fix for closing php tag on dm_widget
  • Fix for reported javascript conflicts and styling issues
  • Fix for Jquery Mini File, upgraded version to fix conflict
  • Using the new Settings API.
  • Extra features added.
  • Fixed an error thrown


Q. My site is hosted by Will the plugin work for me?

A. Yes, the plugin will work, but you will need the Business Plan to install plugins.

Q. Can I select more than one list to sign contacts up to?

A. You can opt to send contacts to multiple lists, some of which can be hidden from the user.

Q. Can contacts who have previously unsubscribed from my mailing lists re-subscribe through the plugin?

A. Yes they can.

Q. My contacts are not appearing in my list. Why is this?

A. Check you have followed the installation steps correctly and that your API email and API password appear exactly as they do in your Dotdigital account. Remember that the API email is automatically generated and should not be changed.

Q. Can I send the user to a custom Thank You page after subscription?

A. You can find the redirection options under the Redirections tab in the plugin dashboard. Here you can set up 3 options:

  • No redirection (default): the user will stay on the same page where a short message will be displayed about the result of the subscription
  • Local page: you can select a page from your website that will be your Thank you page
  • Custom URL: with this option you can redirect your user wherever you want to. If you choose this option, please use a valid URL starting with "http://" or "https://" here. You can also set redirection for any widget instance using the sidebar settings in the editor.

Q. How can I insert a signup form into my posts and pages?

A. The preferred approach is to use the WordPress editor, and simply drag either of our blocks into the content area. An alternative (useful if your posts and pages don't use the WordPress editor), you can also use the [dotdigital-signup] shortcode to show the form inside the post's content. Shortcode parameters: showtitle - Hide the title of the widget (defaults to 0) showdesc - Hide the description under the title (defaults to 0) with_ajax - Submit form without reloading page (defaults to 0) redirection - Redirect the user to a custom URL after successful submission Example: [dotdigital-signup showtitle=0 showdesc=0 with_ajax=1 redirection=""] The form will behave as follows:

  • no title
  • no description
  • form will submit without a page reload
  • user will be redirected to on submit


7.3.0 What’s new 7.2.4 Bug fixes 7.2.3 Bug fixes 7.2.2 Bug fixes 7.2.1 Bug fixes 7.2.0 What's new 7.1.2 Bug fixes 7.1.1 Improvements 7.1.0 What's new 7.0.0 What's new 6.0.3 Bug fixes 6.0.2 Bug fixes 6.0.1 Bug fixes 6.0.0 What's new 5.0.3 Improvements 5.0.2 Improvements 5.0.1 Bug fixes 5.0.0 What's new 4.0.1 (2016-06-06) 4.0 (2016-03-04) 3.4.2 (2015-07-01) 3.4.1 (2014-07-17) 3.4 (2014-07-03) 3.3 (2014-06-14) 3.2.1 (2014-05-16) 3.2 (2014-05-02)