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Double Knot

开发者 mattturow
更新时间 2017年6月15日 20:17
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8


security log protect user enumeration iptables



This plugin checks for common user names that don't exist in the users table. If the submitted user name meets settings criteria the IP will be blocked from the site. The plugin also has the ability to stop author enumeration by bots. Recommended Settings There are two different ways to protect your site from user name brute force attacks. The more strict way is to immediately block an IP that attempts to login with a non-existent user name. This can possibly cause issues with websites that have many users or users that may not login very often and forget their user name. It's most useful for one-person websites. The less strict way is to have a black list of user names that only a bot would try like "admin" and user nicenames that aren't logins. The "Stop Enumeration" setting redirects all attempts to ?author={ID} to the home page of your site. This will stop bots from incrementing through your users and discovering user nicenames.


Install like any other plugin, directly from your plugins page. Works out of the box, but visit the settings page through the Settings tab in the back-end of WordPress to configure.


  • Settings Page
  • List of active lockouts that can be unlocked by clicking the lock.
  • Log of recent usernames that have tried to login.  Add to the black list by clicking the flag.
  • Template for creating shell scripts to automatically add IPs to iptables.


  • Update validation for settings

