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Dropdown SMU Link

开发者 Halim
Dash Developer
更新时间 2019年1月8日 18:15
PHP版本: 5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


links sitemap dropdown menu smu



Create a dropdown selectable with several formats that links to a URL without coding.. Use the following shortcode: [smu_dropdown bgcolor="#b3b3b3" bghover="#ffffff" bordercolor="#b72828" txt='My Dropbar' color="#000" itemtextcolor="#3b1010" textonhover='#0f0f0f' itembg="" itembghover="#765c5c" ] [listdown url=""]Item 1[/listdown] [listdown url=""]Dash Developer[/listdown] [/smu_dropdown]


Just download and upload to your wordpress. Use the following shortcodes [smu_dropdown bgcolor="#b3b3b3" bghover="#ffffff" bordercolor="#b72828" txt='My Dropbar' color="#000" itemtextcolor="#3b1010" textonhover='#0f0f0f' itembg="" itembghover="#765c5c" ] [listdown url=""]Item 1[/listdown] [listdown url=""]Dash Developer[/listdown] [/smu_dropdown] Developer: Dash Web Development Contributor: Halim or visit SMU Dropdown Generator for a simple UI. Thank you Dash Web Development


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