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Dropshipping with eBay for WooCommerce (Lite)

开发者 ali2woo
更新时间 2022年2月1日 17:26
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.9
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


affiliate woocommerce woo ebay dropship dropshipping dropshipper order fulfillment ebay2woo



Want to launch your own eBay dropshipping store based on Woocommerce? With the plugin, you can accomplish this task easily! Import products with variants from eBay! Add pricing rules to set up your profit for each order. Edit product attributes, title, description, manage product images to make your products stadout among competitor products. Also you can place orders automatically (orderfulfillment) using our free chrome extension for eBay Dropshipping. Chrome extension | Full Version | Full Version Demo How to start using the plugin? First of all you need to setup the eBay API keys. Go to "Plugin menu > Settings > Account settings" and input Client ID (App ID), and Client Secret (Cert ID). Both keys can be obtained in the eBay developer account, follow this guide to get these keys. Please note: you need to create those keys in the Production section of your develoepr account (not Sandbox!) How To Import Products from eBay using the built-in search? Go to "Plugin menu > Search Products" page, enter search keyword or choose a specific eBay`s category, then click on the Search button. Once search results appear, pick items you want to add to your Import List. Important Notice: FEATURES ► Import Products: This plugin can import products from eBay using the built-in search module. it can pull products from the selected eBay's category, or find items by a search keyword. Also, you can import products in bulk and there is a separate feature to import a specific product only by eBay product ID or eBay product URL. Please note: you can use different search filters to narrow dawn your search results. For example, you can search for products in a specific eBay store, search on local eBay website, use pricing range filter, free shipping filter, listing type, feedback score, item condition, etc. ► Choose images which should be published with the product: When you import the products into your store, they are added to the Import List. There you can edit their data before making them published in your store. In the import list you can manage product images and choose what images should be published together with the product. ► Configure settings for all imported products: This is a set of settings that applies to all products imported from eBay portal. Go to "Plugin menu > Settings > Common Settings > Import Settings". Please note: This feature works if the plugin is active only, by default Wordpress can't work with the external images paths! Set options related to the order fulfillment process: These settings allow to change an order status after placing it on eBay. Go to Plugin menu > Settings > Common Settings > Order Fulfillment Settings. Configure Chrome extension settings: In this section you can manage the behavior of our free Chrome extension for eBay. Most settings are related to the order fulfillment process. Go to Plugin menu > Settings > Common Settings > Chrome Extension settings. Set up global pricing rules for all products: These options allow you to set own markup over eBay prices. You can add separate markup formula for each pricing range. The formula is a rule of a price calculation that includes different math operators such as +, *, =. Pricing rules support three different modes that manage the calculation in your formulas. Additionally, you can add cents to your prices automatically. And even more, it's easy to apply your pricing rules to already imported products. Go to "Plugin menu > Settings > Pricing Rules" and add your pricing rules. ► Filter or delete unnecessary text in products imported from eBay: Here you can filter all unwanted phrases and text from the imported product. It allows adding unlimited rules to filter the texts. These rules apply to the product title and description. Please note the plugin checks your text in case-sensitive mode. Go to "Plugin menu > Settings > Phrase Filtering" and create a few rules that will be applied to the imported data. PRO VERSION Set options related to the product synchronization: [pro version feature] This set of features allows you to synchronize all imported products automatically with eBay. Also, you can choose to synchonize only product prices or/and product stock too. Go to Plugin Settings > Common Settings > Schedule Settings. Plugin Links Minimum Requirements Support In case you have any questions or need technical assistance, get in touch with us through our support center.


From within WordPress
  1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New'
  2. Search for 'Dropshipping with Ebay for WooCommerce '
  3. Activate the plugin from your Plugins page.
  4. Go to "after activation" below.
  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to "after activation" below.


  • Build-in search tool
  • Search results from the search tool
  • Import List is a place where you can adjust imported products before pushing them into Woocommerce
  • Choose images which you want to be added together with the product into your store
  • Main plugin settings
  • Pricing Rules - set up your pricing markups
  • Phrase Filtering - remove or replace unwanted text from the content imported from eBay


1.2.7 1.2.6