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Drupal to WP XML-RPC

开发者 aliciagh
更新时间 2011年1月23日 13:04
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.0.4


multisite drupal xmlrpc drupaltowp




Adds some Multisite-specific functions to WordPress XML-RPC interface ( This plugin is required for the correct work of a Drupal module named Drupal to WP. Functions availables Functions return error code 700 or 403 if there are problems with authetication and error code 500 if there are other problem.


  1. Upload drupaltowp_xmlrpc folder to the wp-content/plugins directory in your WordPress multisite installation.
  2. Activate the plugin in your Administration Panel.
  3. Check 'Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols' through 'Writing' menu and click 'Save Changes'. Requeriments
  4. Its neccesary to activate mcrypt support in PHP.


Get XML-RPC error Combination of username/password incorrect

If you have any further questions, please submit them. Check username and password are correct. Password must be encrypted before calling one of this xml-rpc functions so follow this steps:

  1. Open file drupaltowp_xmlrpc.php and copy the function drupaltowp_encrypt_password to your code.
  2. Define a key for encrypting your passwords. Max 20 characters.
  3. Edit file drupaltowp_xmlrpc.php and put your key value in line 32: define( 'DRUPALTOWP_KEY', 'your-key-value' );