Implementation of the Gallery using EVO Slider ( Use shortcode [dwsgallery gallery=""] in the post / page to display galleries.\
Follow the steps below after installation:
Go to -> DWS Gallery > Galleries and Create a Gallery.
Than Go to -> DWS Gallery > Add New Image.
Use Featured Image to upload the image.
Provide memorable title to the post.
Select proper Gallery under �Galleries�.
Repeat the steps for the all the images you want to add to an album.
Once you are done, edit your desired post / page and enter [dwsgallery gallery="GALLERY SLUG" width="WIDTH OF THE SLIDER" height="HEIGHT OF THE SLIDER" quality="QUALITY OF THE IMAGE in 1-100%" orderby="NAME / DATE / RAND / SORT" order="ASC / DESC" limit="NUMBER OF IMAGES TO DISPLAY. BY DEFAULT ALL WILL SHOW"]
*(GALLERY SLUG = go to Go to -> DWS Gallery > Galleries and copy gallery name under Slug).
- Example : [ dwsgllery gallery="testing-gallery" width="601" height="394" quality="75" limit="-1" orderby="name" order="asc" ].
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Download plugin from Wordpress Plugins.
- Upload and unzip
to the /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Place [dwsgallery gallery=""] shortcode in your page / post (See Description for details)
Easy Shortcode Implementation
- DWS Gallery Implemented using Evo Slider
- Auto resizes the image with timthumb.php