How do i use Dynamic Coupon Generator
In order to bulk create coupons using Dynamic Coupon Generator you need to go to the Dynamic Coupon Generator page from the WP admin menu.
In the Dynamic Coupon Generator menu you need to choose the number of coupons you wish to generate (maximum 50 in the non-premium version).
Then you have to choose the Discount type of your generated coupons, the options are:
- Fixed price discount for cart total.
- Precentafe discount of cart total.
- Fixed price discount for specific product or products.
- Precentage discount for specific product or products.
- Free products.
Then You can choose a minimal purchase amount to activae your coupons if you wish.
Unless you have chosen the Free product discount type you will have to fill out the Discount number field (fixed amoount or precentage' depends of the discount type).
If you had chosen the "Fixed precent of product" or the "Fixed price of product discount type" you will have to choose the products you wish to apllay the discount on.
Be advised that if choose discount for specific product but donwt choose product or products the coupon will applied for all products.
If you have chosen the "free product" discount type you will have to choose a product you wish to gift whoever uses your coupons.
Be advised that free product coupons work best with minimal purchase amout, in case you leave the minimal purchase amount empty you will be aked to confirm that you understand the consequences.
Lastly you can choose if you wish to recive a CSV file with all the coupons you created, you can recive the file via mail or download it directly to your computer