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Dynamic Product Titles for Variant Options

开发者 samuelspeed
更新时间 2021年2月3日 21:09
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.6
版权: GNU General Public License v3.0
版权网址: 版权信息


WooCommerce title options dynamic product automate variation variant




This is a simple plugin that when 'active', will allow users on your site to dynamically change a variant product title on the product page to show the selected variant option name at the end of the default title.


  1. Upload the entire 'dynamic-product-titles-for-variant-options' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. That's it - The plugin should now be working on your site!


  • Once a variant option has been selected, the product title will dynamically add the selected varaint option attribute value/s to the end.
  • Changing varaint options will continue to change the product title shown.
  • Simple products as well as variant products without an option selected will show the default product title.
  • Once a variant option has been selected, the product title will dynamically add the selected varaint option attribute value/s to the end.
  • Changing varaint options will continue to change the product title shown.
  • Simple products as well as variant products without an option selected will show the default product title.
  • Once a variant option has been selected, the product title will dynamically add the selected varaint option attribute value/s to the end.


1.0.1 This version will prevent the plugin from conflicting with the core WordPress system, the WooCommerce plugin and all other plugins and themes. It does this through unique funtion names, defines, classes and namespaces.


Does this plugin support more than one attribute per variant option?

Yes. At present, the default divider used between the product title and the variant option/s is ' - ', to give a result along the lines of 'ProductA - Red'. This is the default behaviour in order to support multi-attribute varaints, for example 'ProductA - Red - Large'. In future versions, I would like to add the ability for this value to be changed to better cater to users needs: for example changing it to ' in ' would work better when using colours, e.g. 'ProductA in Red', but would not currently be a good default as it would give odd results such as 'ProductA in Red in Large'.

Will there be any updates in the future?

Yes, if enough people show interest in this plugin then. Support for the plugin will be based on the demand for support.

Where can I give feedback/request new features?

If you'd like to leave us any feedback or have some suggestions for new features, please email


1.0.1 1.0.0