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Dynamic QR Code - generator

开发者 sosidee
更新时间 2024年12月29日 23:34
PHP版本: 8.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


qr code dynamic qr code qr code generator dynamic qr code generator


0.8.5 1.0.0 0.8.8 1.0.1 0.8 0.8.1 0.9.2 0.8.2 0.8.7 0.9.0 0.9.1 0.9.3


This plugin is a dynamic QR code generator A dynamic QR code? Yes, the core idea is that information associated with the QR code is managed by the plugin rather than being encoded directly within the QR code itself: this is, in essence, the definition of a dynamic QR code. In other words, Dynamic QR Code allows you to change the information linked to a QR code without having to alter the QR code itself. Additionally, scans of the QR codes are tracked and available for statistical analysis. Let's be straightforward with a few simple examples:
SCENARIO: you want to store the web page of the pharmacy in duty in a QR code. PROBLEM: the pharmacy changes with each shift, and you can't (or don't want to) rebuild and reprint the QR code every time. SOLUTION: Dynamic QR Code allows you to change the pharmacy webpage URL without modifying the QR code itself. SCENARIO: you want customers to be redirected to your current promotion webpage after scanning the QR codes you distributed to your resellers. PROBLEM: the page URL changes frequently for various reason (e.g. you want to promote different products without continuously modifying the same webpage) but you don't want to waste time rebuilding, reprinting and resending QR codes to your resellers. SOLUTION: Dynamic QR Code permits you to change the redirect URL to your current promotion page without modifying the QR code image. SCENARIO: you want to track the scans of your QR code to analyze data and gather statistical information. PROBLEM: there's no easy way to track the activity of people who scan static QR codes. SOLUTION: Dynamic QR Code automatically tracks the scans and lets you download the data for statistical analysis. SCENARIO: you want your customers to scan a QR code to view your restaurant's menu. PROBLEM: the menu changes every day of the week, so you would need 7 different QR codes would to cover the entire week. SOLUTION: Dynamic QR Code generates a single QR code that redirects your customers to the appropriate menu depending on the day of the week.
Types of scenarios for dynamic QR codes Examples: See the online manual for details. GETTING STARTED From the Dynamic QR Code plugin console, create a new QR-Code item: Then use the QR-URL generated by the plugin to create the image of your QR code, or just download the image generated in the plugin page. » Check the online manual for details « Note If you need to create QR-Codes with the same key, you have to activate the 'Disable unique keys' option on the Settings page: in this case, identical keys will generate identical qr code images and the redirect URL will be chosen either randomly or based on the conditions set in the QR-Code. RANDOM REDIRECT If you want users to be randomly redirected to a URL chosen from several options: Users will be redirected to a URL randomly selected from the available ones (i.e. among the URLs of the valid QR-Codes that share the same key as the one scanned). Please note that the URL selection process uses a pseudo-random number generation. Therefore, do not use this feature for true lotteries or gambling games. DATE-DEPENDENT REDIRECT If you want users to be redirected to different URLs depending on the date: The URL users are redirected to will depend on which QR-Code is valid on the scan date. DAY-OF-THE-WEEK DEPENDENT REDIRECT If you want users to be redirected to different URLs depending on the day of the week: EXCEPTION DATE FOR A DAY-OF-THE-WEEK DEPENDENT REDIRECT Let's say you want your users to be redirected on Easter differently compared to the usual Sunday URL: If is the URL for Sunday and is the URL for Easter, users will be redirected to on every Sunday except on Easter, when they'll be redirected to » Check the online manual for more scenarios « My FastAPP If you wish to use your QR-Code with My FastAPP in order to track the single users' scans, follow these instructions. Dynamic vs Static QR code STATIC QR CODE DYNAMIC QR CODE Statistics QR code scans are logged and available for statistical analysis. Some basic statistics, available as PRO add-ons, include scan distributions grouped by date, day, device type, country, and more. By enabling the My FastAPP options (available under the Settings menu), you can differentiate user activity using User Key values.


  • QR code editor
  • QR code editor
  • QR code editor
  • QR code editor
  • QR code editor


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Is this plugin a QR code generator ?

Yes, Dynamic QR Code generates the image of your QR code. However, you can also use an equivalent image created by any third-party tool.

How many dynamic QR codes can I generate ?

As many as you wish (and as many as your WordPress site can handle).

What is a dynamic QR code ?

In short, it's a simple QR code with a redirection URL encoded in it. This means that the information (the data read scanning the QR code) is stored outside the QR code. With Dynamic QR Code this information is stored in your WordPress website, allowing you to change it whenever you wish.

What is a static QR code ?

A QR code is defined as static when the information associated with it is embedded directly in its code. Most QR codes are static.

Do QR codes expire ?

A static QR code can expire if the information encoded in it's' no longer valid, requiring you to rebuild and reprint it. A dynamic QR code can expire in the same way, but (and that's the significant difference) it can be brought back to life simply updating the information stored online.

Can I use a QR code image generated by another tool?

Yes, as long as the image encodes the correct QR-URL.

Is this plugin a free QR code generator ?

Yes, Dynamic QR Code is free.

Is there a PRO version?

Yes, absolutely! You can find all the information about the PRO version and how to purchase it at this URL:


1.0.1 1.0.0 0.9.3 0.9.2 0.9.1 0.9.0