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Dynamic WPJM Tags for Elementor

开发者 wpcastle
更新时间 2025年3月4日 18:13
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


elementor jobs job manager employment recruitment




This plugin bridges WP Job Manager and Elementor Page Builder, allowing you to create professional job listing pages using Elementor's powerful design features combined with WP Job Manager's data. Key Features Perfect For Compatible With Usage
  1. Install and activate the plugin
  2. Go to WPJM Elementor settings and enable the features you need:
  3. Enable "Preview Settings" to use real job data while designing templates
  4. Enable "Display Conditions" to create conditional templates based on job categories, types or custom taxonomies
  5. Use the new dynamic tags in Elementor (scroll down to "WPJM meta data" section)
  6. Create custom templates in Elementor Theme Builder:
  7. Design single job templates
  8. Preview them with actual job data
  9. Set conditions for when to show which template


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/dynamic-wpjm-for-elementor directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Make sure both WP Job Manager and Elementor Pro are installed and activated
  4. Go to WPJM Elementor settings to enable the features you need
  5. Start using the new dynamic tags in Elementor


  • Job Status Display Options
  • Remote Work Badge Examples
  • Settings Page


1.0.1 Added Company Tagline tag and improved URL handling in Company Website and Job Application tags. 1.0.0 Initial release of the plugin.


Do I need Elementor Pro?

Yes, Elementor Pro is required as this plugin utilizes Elementor Pro's Dynamic Tags functionality, which is not available in the free version of Elementor.

What's the difference between editing a single job and using the Theme Builder?

Single job editing allows you to customize one specific job post. The Theme Builder lets you create templates that automatically apply to all jobs or specific job categories, types, or any custom taxonomy you have.

Why do I need the Preview function in Theme Builder?

The Preview function allows you to see how your template looks with actual job data while designing it. You can select a specific job post in the preview settings to see how your dynamic content will appear.

Can I create different templates for different job categories or types?

Yes! Enable the Display Conditions feature and create multiple templates in Theme Builder. You can then set conditions to show different layouts based on job categories, types, or any custom taxonomy you're using with WPJM.

Is this compatible with other plugins that add dynamic tags?

Compatibility with other plugins that add dynamic tags is NOT guaranteed, but possible.

Do I need the premium version of WP Job Manager?

No, this plugin does NOT require the premium version of WP Job Manager.

Is this compatible with the latest Elementor version?

Yes, we regularly test and update the plugin to ensure compatibility.

Can I use this with custom job fields?

Yes and no. Custom fields you create will still be accessible through Elementor's standard dynamic tags, but they won't have the enhanced options and features that our plugin provides for the standard WP Job Manager fields. For example, custom fields will be available as basic text or URL values, but won't have specialized formatting options like our built-in tags do.

What PHP versions are supported?

The plugin requires a minimum of PHP 7.4 and has been thoroughly tested with PHP versions up to 8.3. We recommend using PHP 8.0 or higher for optimal performance.


1.0.1 1.0.0