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WeShare Buttons

开发者 e-mailit
更新时间 2024年12月5日 13:31
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later


social share social media share buttons share icons


9.0.4 8.0.5 8.0.6 8.0.7 8.0.8 9.0.0 9.0.1 9.0.2 9.0.3 9.0.6 9.0.7 10.0.1 12.0.3 10.0.3 10.0.2 12.0.0 9.0.5 12.0.2 12.0.1 13.0.0 10.0.0


Boost traffic and engagement with WeShare buttons for WordPress, including Facebook, X, WeChat, Threads, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, Zalo, WhatsApp, and many more. Enable sharing to a wide array of social media sites and apps, plus follow icons for top services, to help users share your posts and pages effortlessly.


Automatic installation through WordPress:
  1. Log-in to your Wordpress site.
  2. Hover over Plugins and click Add New.
  3. Under Search type in WeShare, then click Search Plugins.
  4. In the results page, click Install Now.
  5. Once installed, click Activate Plugin. You're done!
Manual installation:
  1. Download here: and unarchive the plugin folder.
  2. Upload the E-MAILiT folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Go to your Wordpress dashboard and navigate to Plugins -> Installed Plugins.
  4. On the Plugin page in your WordPress Administration area, activate the WeShare plugin.
To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP: Upload the downloaded zip file on the 'Add New' plugins screen in your WP admin area and activate. How to Un-install Through WP admin:
  1. Go to Plugins screen.
  2. Find the WeShare Plugin > deactivate and un-install.
  3. Click deactivate.
  4. Click delete if you want to completely remove the plugin.
Manual process:
  1. Open any ftp software, on your computer.
  2. Enter the server's credentials.
  3. Open the root folder.
  4. Go /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  5. Search for emailit folder and select.
  6. Click delete.


  • WeShare modal displayed after a user clicks the WeShare universal button icon
  • WeShare modal displayed after a user clicks the WeShare universal button icon
  • WeShare modal displayed after a user clicks the WeShare universal button icon
  • WeShare modal displayed after a user clicks the WeShare universal button icon
  • After sharing, users land on a tailored “Thank You” page with relevant ads, like engaging 300x250 banners that grab attention naturally
  • You choose what to display after sharing
  • Our Universal Bypass function lets you add revenue-generating options to existing share buttons without changing your setup
  • With after-share Follow Buttons, you can keep your audience connected and engaged, even after they share


Do I need to edit html or javascript?

There is no need to edit any line of code.

How do I eliminate/remove the plugin from certain page(s) or post(s)?

When editing a post or page, you can check the "E-MAILiT" option in "screen options" to enable E-MAILiT remove meta box.

How do I activate / de-activate your plugin?

Please, read the guide here

How do I link the Facebook Like Button or the Tweet Button to my pages?

Facebook Like Button displays the likes about a specific url. In order to show correctly your likes you must place the button in the right place. If you haven't inserted the button in your home page, propably your likes are linked to it. If in case this is valid, by placing the button in your home page you will see the correct like counter for your site.

Facebook Share Button seems to show an incorrect number! Why?

The count result is common for share and like interactions. Please, see here There are counters for posting an article or sharing a page content. These are two seperate different interactions. But you can include the Share button next to the Like button, having more sharing options to display on your website and not feeling confused about the similar counters. You will have two different buttons together, with one counter only to display.

