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EASE Framework

开发者 loomtronic
更新时间 2015年1月27日 14:50
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.1
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


Google eCommerce fields Membership Amazon AWS S3 Forms Database Google Sheets spreadsheets Google Docs Google Drive EASE Storage Google Cloud



The Cloudward EASE Framework for WordPress is an HTML-like, markup language that makes it easy to: EASE is easy to install and customize. It's also open-source, which provides a strong, flexible foundation to build your business on. Easily integrate your existing WordPress app: See what you can do with EASE: How EASE Works: For more info on the EASE syntax, check out our reference guide:


  1. Download the plugin from the WordPress Plugin directory
  2. Activate the Plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the services you want to use by going to the /wp-admin/admin.php?page=ease_plugin_settings and following the instructions there


  • A store created from a Google Sheet
  • Beautiful forms can be created that save to Google Sheets or MySQL
  • Build password-protected members pages
  • Logon on screens and privilege management are easily managed
  • Our Example Helper Script Library has lots of examples
  • Our Helper script library has applications like a membership site
  • EASE is Powerful - we even built a CRM from it
  • EASE is easy to learn and use
  • Installation Wizard helps get you started fast


0.1.5 Added new Setup wizard. The new version contains bug fixes and new helper scripts. Helper Scripts are example application pages written in EASE. Scripts include: surveys, contacts, Membership site, PayPal Store, File Uploads and more.


Where do I get support for this plugin?

You can get support at

What are the Limitations?

The EASE Framework connects to your local database. If your hosting provider locks down your local database, then some functions may not operate (you can turn off database access in plugin settings), Also, the EASE Framework connects to Google Drive via Oauth. While we strive to make this work with as many hosting providers as possible, If your hosting provider locks down some settings access to Google Drive may be limited.


0.1.0 0.1.1 0.1.2 0.1.3 0.1.4 0.1.5 0.1.6 0.1.7