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Easy Captcha by Croitre

开发者 sushanttayade123
更新时间 2020年2月27日 13:00
PHP版本: 5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.3.2
版权: GPLv2 or later


wordpress captcha spam blocker wordpress captcha form captcha math captcha arithmetic captcha captcha code captcha for wordpress forms captcha


0.0.1 0.0.2


Easy Captcha plugin is basic captcha plugin to prevent spam submissions. Using Shortcode you can show Mathematical Expression to be solved in your form to prevent spam. Features
  1. Admin can specify where the captcha should be displayed i.e, comments, login, registration or lost password form.
  2. Admin can select arithmetic operations from available options - Addition, Subtraction or Multiplication.
  1. By default 'Addition (+)' operation is enabled. It's recommended to keep at least one option selected at any point of time.
  2. If you find any bugs, kindly report here:


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Upload to your blog (/wp-content/plugins/).
  3. Activate it and you're done.
  4. Optionally you can check or uncheck arithmetic operations from settings page which is listed under Settings -> Easy Captcha
You're done! Uninstalling is as simple as deactivating and deleting the plugin.


  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png