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Easy Lazy Loader

开发者 iprodev
更新时间 2019年4月8日 17:36
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


images videos lazy load iframes audios front-end optimization


1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.0.0


Lazy load images, videos, iframes and audios to improve page load times. Uses jQuery.sonar to only load an element when it's visible in the viewport. Easy Lazy Loader is the most fully featured, incredibly easy to set up lazy load plugin for WordPress. Use the plugins admin settings to easily define what elements are lazy loaded and when they become visible in the users browser. You can also lazy load other images, iframes, videos and audios in your theme, by using a simple filter. Non-javascript visitors gets the original element in noscript. Compatible with the RICG Responsive Images plugin for responsive images. IMAGE LAZY LOAD Images are the number one element that slows page load and increases bandwidth use. Easy Lazy Loader works with the responsive images feature introduced in WordPress 4.4. VIDEO LAZY LOAD Easy Lazy Loader supports all WordPress video Embeds including Youtube, Vimeo and HTML5 video - for a full list see the WordPress Codex Embeds list. The WordPress embed method of copying and pasting the video url into posts and pages content area is fully supported. AUDIO LAZY LOAD Easy Lazy Loader supports all WordPress audio Embeds including SoundCloud, Spotify and HTML5 audio - for a full list see the WordPress Codex Embeds list. The WordPress embed method of copying and pasting the audio url into posts and pages content area is fully supported. iFRAME LAZY LOAD Easy Lazy Loader has built in support for content that is added by iframe from any source in content and widgets –examples PLACEHOLDERS Several strategies to fill the area of an image before it loads. PLUGIN COMPATIBILITY FEATURES Localization


  1. Download and unzip plugin
  2. Upload the 'easy-lazy-loader' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory,
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. For detailed documentation on how you can configure these options please visit the Easy Lazy Loader plugin page


Whoa, this plugin is using JavaScript. What about visitors without JS?

No worries. They get the original element in a noscript element. No Lazy Loading for them, though.

I'm using a CDN. Will this plugin interfere?

Lazy loading works just fine. The images will still load from your CDN.

How do I change the placeholder image

add_filter( 'ell_placeholder_url', 'my_custom_placeholder_image' ); function my_custom_placeholder_image( $image ) { return 'http://url/to/image'; }

How do I lazy load other images in my theme?

If you have images output in custom templates or want to lazy load other images in your theme, you may pass the HTML through a filter: <?php $html = '<img src="myimage.jpg" alt="">'; $html = apply_filters( 'easy_lazy_loader_html', $html ); echo $html; ?> Or, you can add an attribute called "data-lazy-src" and "data-lazy-type" with the source of the image URL and set the actual image URL to a transparent 1x1 pixel.


1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0.0