EasyfullsearchWP replaces the native WordPress search engine to improve the effectiveness and relevance of all searches.
It lets you manage posts an/or pages, to choose the fields you want to use in the searches (including comments, author, custom fields, categories, taxonomy ...).
By giving you predefined values, it helps you to easyly improve your user's experience.
As the easyfullsearch engine is more powerful than the basic wordpress search mechanism. it allows administrator and developer to use the wide range of features of the easyfullsearch engine.
This version is the free version of EasyfullsearchWP. Presently, easyfullsearchWP is managing main user's searches coming from the search widget or administation's pages.
Easyfullsearch has a companion tool, called Efsmyadmin. This tool gives you access to a large amount of functions to manage the index. It is available on the Easyfullsearch's web site (
Key features
- Results are sorted in the order of relevance according to configurable weights.
- A very fast retrieving process.
- You can choose to have a strict matching (all the words) or flexible (at least one of them.) This may be an automatic option.
- The fuzzy logic may be used to match results (never, always or only if the strict match is not fruitful). The fuzzy words are extracted from the content itself.
- The date can be used as complement of the sort algorithm.
- You can decide to use search for posts and/or pages.
- You can choose to search in different fields : title, content, comments, tags, categories and custom fields.
- You give your own weight to each fields
- A full documentation is available directly through the settings menu.
- You can highlight the relevant terms
Advanced features
- A very fast indexing process.
- You can search only in fields which are pertinent for you (for example you can exclude the comments or the title !).
- You can choose to use the Easyfullsearch for the users' searches or administration's searches.
- You can choose the types of posts to search (post and/or pages)
- The search on each types can be easyly turned "on" or "off".
- You can choose the weighting for all types of fields. You don't need to rebuild the index after changing them.
- You can optimize the index for the most used words.
- You can log the users' requests, and see what exactly happened in your site.
- Custom post types and custom taxonomies can be used and weigthed as the others fields.
- EaysfullsearchWP supports the polylang plugin
- Easyfullsearch supports site with huge base and hundreds of thousands of posts.
- EaysfullsearchWP lets you easyly manage the stop words (create, suppress, add a language ...)
- The plugin automaticaly limits the disk space used for logs
- EasyfullsearchWP uses queued inserts to protect the index against inconsistency.
- Enhance statistics
- Manage automatic suggestion. The autocomplete is already part of the engine.
EasyfullsearchWP is available on the standard wordpress plugins directory.
- Install the plugin through the WordPress "Plugins" menu directly.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Go to the 'Easy Full Search' settings page and configure it.
You can also download the plugin in zip format and extract files to the "/wp-content/plugins/easyfullsearchWP" directory. Then follow the step 2. (not recommanded)
To update your installation, simply install the new version. You don't need to rebuild the index.
In the wordpress plugins page the user must activate the easyfullsearchWP plugin. When activated, the easyfullsearchWP plugin manages several actions :
At this moment, it will not replace the wordpress search, because the index is empty and your users will have no answers to their requests. Before using Easyfullsearch to actually manage the users's requests, you must fill the index. EasyfullsearchWP lets you decide when you begin to use it as search engine.
After activating, all new posts or pages, as all updates, will be automaticaly indexed by easyfullsearch. All data created before the activation have to be indexed if you want that your users could access them.
So, in order to have the search fully operating, you have to fill the index (see the "Main actions" section of this guide).
- WordPress 3.1
- PHP 5.4. Go faster ! : EasyfullsearchWP is php7 compliant.
If you deactivate easyfullsearchWP, it will no more replace the standard search of wordpress. The index itself is not delete and all the data are still present, but any additional updates or creations will not be indexed. So, if you want to activate it again, after creation or update in your posts or pages, the best way is to empty the index and rebuild it again.