Linux 软件免费装


开发者 dhurbag
更新时间 2016年1月25日 14:41
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.5.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.4.1
版权: GPL2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


payment ecommerce e-commerce sell cart paypal easy simple offline online payment easy sell no Paypal simple buy woocommerce alternate easy payment



If you want to sell products easily but do not want to install e-commerce then this is best solution for you. You can setup small shop within few mins. This plugin provides simple buy now button with customer details to deliver product. When buyer buys product, website owner gets detail in email. EasySell is express purchase method. Visitor can just choose product and give their contact details in small window then purchase process is completed. It is very useful for small business and individual who do not need to sell much and do not want to install e-commerce system like woocommerce. Using this plugin anyone can sell product from any pages of website with use of short code. Please note that this is express checkout system without shopping cart. Key features:


  1. Download, unzip and upload to your WordPress plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin within you WordPress Administration
  3. Customize settings from Settings-> Easy Sell Settings menu
  4. Use [easy_sell_button name="Product name" detail="Product description" price ="Product price"] short code to add product anywhere in website
  5. You can add currency code and shipping charge as optional fields like [easy_sell_button name="Product name" detail="Product description" price ="product price" currency="EUR" shipping ="5"]
  6. Customize its design as per your theme.


  • /assets/screenshot-3.png
  • /assets/screenshot-4.png
  • /assets/screenshot-1.png
  • /assets/screenshot-2.png
  • /assets/screenshot-3.png
  • /assets/screenshot-4.png
  • /assets/screenshot-1.png
  • /assets/screenshot-2.png