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Echo Chamber Comments

开发者 dmchale
更新时间 2015年7月17日 20:47
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post posts page comments admin visitors visitor users user comment replace local chamber echo




The Echo Chamber Comments plugin leverages echochamber.js, a project on GitHub by @tessalt From the project's description: "Install to add a simple comment form to your blog post or website. why not just use disqus? Because then there'd be a chance that someone would read the comments. You might have to read those comments. You don't want that. When a user submits a comment, echochamber.js will save the comment to the user's LocalStorage, so when they return to the page, they can be confident that their voice is being heard, and feel engaged with your very engaging content. It does not make any HTTP requests. Since LocalStorage is only local, you and your database need not be burdened with other people's opinions."


  1. Upload the echo-chamber-comments directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP
  2. Alternatively, upload the file to the 'Plugins->Add New' page in your WordPress admin area
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  • An example form with user submissions
  • An example form with user submissions
  • An example form with user submissions
  • An example form with user submissions
  • An example form with user submissions


  • Initial Release


How does this plugin work?

A simple script include references a .js file hosted on a third-party server. It then does all the work, with an iframe that will display the comments form on your site.

Can I see comments that people submit?

Nope! All comments are posted to the user's Local Storage, and nothing ever hits your website. As such, there is no way to see what people are submitting when they fill out the form.

