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eCommerce Product Slider Gallery

开发者 webdzier
更新时间 2022年11月1日 16:23
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


sales shop gallery slider online store e-commerce store Carousel eCommerce category product Shortcodes storefront carousel slider product slider display products WordPress eCommerce multiple product slider responsive product slider Product Gallery simple product product grid best product slider latest products Product Carousel eCommerce slider eCommerce product slider eCommerce Product Slider Gallery eCommerce products from category ecommerce products eCommerce products eCommerce grid advance grid grid fliter tab


1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0


eCommerce Product Slider Gallery is an amazing plugin to showcase your products in a tidy and professional way. It allows you to create an easily attractive product carousel, and slider for your online site and increase your sales. You can display the product slider on the homepage, pages, product pages, blog posts as well as anywhere you want. It comes with a built-in advanced setting page to easily control the look and function of the product slider. Get more engagement using the carousel layout option and add thumbnails underneath your slider for a preview of all content. Using [EPSG id=xx] shortcode, you can publish Slider in any Page. Requirements Key Features ✅ Responsive and mobile-friendly. ✅ Beautiful, Lightweight, and Powerful. ✅ Easy to customize and stylize. ✅ Display Discount/Sale/New badges & Labels ✅ Control the number of product columns in different devices. ✅ Product categories -- Select categories of which type of slider you want to show. ✅ Loop slider -- Choose if you want your slider to scroll products continuously. ✅ Select Layout -- (Simple Slider) One Layout. ✅ Slider Autoplay -- ON/OFF auto play. ✅ Control AutoPlay speed. ✅ Slider Direction -- Set slider direction as you need. ✅ Order By -- Set order by option. ✅ Show Now Button Text -- set Show Now buttonText (Shop Now). ✅ Show Now Btn URL -- set Show Now button URL (Shop Now). ✅ Slider Sub Title Text -- set slider subtitle text. ✅ Slider Section Title -- Show/Hide slider section title. ✅ Slider Sub Title -- Show/Hide Slider Sub Title. ✅ Slider Section Title Color -- Set Slider Section Title Color. ✅ Slider Section Sub Title -- Set Slider Section Sub Title Color. ✅ Show More Button Color -- set to show more button colors. ✅ Background Color -- Set Slider Section Background Color. ✅ Image Size -- Select a size for the product image. ✅ Slider Section Title (TYPOGRAPHY) -- set slider section title font properties. ✅ Slider Sub Title (TYPOGRAPHY) -- set slider subtitle font properties. ✅ Compatible with any theme and eCommerce plugins. ✅ SEO friendly & optimized for speed. ✅ Support all modern browsers ✅ Custom CSS -- set custom CSS. And much more options. eCommerce Product Slider Gallery sets Demo
eCommerce Product Slider Gallery Sets Demo: Live Demo eCommerce Product Slider Gallery Pro Sets Demo: Live Demo Get Pro Version: Buy Now


  1. Upload the entire ecommerce-product-slider-gallery folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress admin.
  3. Add new Slider, Use [EPSG id=xx] shortcode to publish your Slider into any page.


Version 1.0.2 Version 1.0.1 Version 1.0