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Easy Digital Downloads - Block Editor

开发者 RavanH
更新时间 2022年1月8日 06:51
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.8


Gutenberg Easy Digital Downloads EDD Block Editor




This plugin enables the new WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor for the Downloads post type from Easy Digital Downloads any other plugin or theme that uses a custom post type with the download slug. Note: This plugin does not extend the Block Editor. If you are looking for a Downloads block to use on other pages or post, see Easy Digital Downloads – Blocks. Although EDD and all its extensions are not yet guaranteed to be compatible with the new editor, testing with the following plugins has not revealed any issues so far: Know incompatibilities If you find any incompatibilities, please let me know on the Support Forum. Likewise, let me know if you find this plugin to be compatible with a plugin not mentioned here, so I can update the known list :)


Wordpress Quick installation: Install now ! … OR … Search for "edd block editor" and install with that slick Plugins > Add New back-end page. … OR … Follow these steps:
  1. Download archive.
  2. Upload the zip file via the Plugins > Add New > Upload page … OR … unpack and upload the complete directory with your favourite FTP client to the /plugins/ folder.
  3. Activate the plugin on the Plug-ins page.


Where are the options?

There are no options. Just install, activate and enjoy the new editor on the Download post type.

