This plugin allows you to add plugins and themes as free downloads in Easy Digital Downloads.
When you add a plugin or theme URL to a download, the add to cart / buy now buttons will be replaced with a "Free Download" button that links to the plugin/theme page instead.
This plugin also adds a helpful widget that displays info such as the download count, dates added/last updated, current version, and more. This info is cached via transients so it will work well on high traffic servers, and only displays on downloads added as downloads.
Install this plugin like you would install any other WordPress plugin.
Dashboard Method:
- Login to your WordPress admin and go to Plugins -> Add New
- Type "EDD Downloads" in the search bar and select this plugin
- Click "Install", and then "Activate Plugin"
Upload Method:
- Unzip the plugin and upload the "edd-wordpress-downloads" folder to your "wp-content/plugins" directory
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress