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eesy Posttype

开发者 increondigitallab
更新时间 2019年6月11日 16:26
PHP版本: 5.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


post cpt post type posttype custom posttype eesy


1.0 1.0.1


With this WordPress plugin you can easily create and edit Custom Post Types (CPT) and Taxonomies in WordPress. No programming knowledge is required. With eesy Posttype the creation of Custom Post Types and associated taxonomies is very easy: enter name, description and slug, save, done. The newly created Post Type is displayed in the Admin Menu (left) and Posts can be created and edited as usual.


Make sure you are using WordPress 4.4 or higher and that your server is running PHP 5.2.4 or higher (same requirement as WordPress itself).


  • Plugin options
  • FAQ
  • Create a Post Type
  • Create a Taxonomy
  • Plugin options
  • FAQ
  • Create a Post Type
  • Create a Taxonomy


  • Bugfixed language translation problem.
  • In version 1.0 we provide you with a plugin with which you can easily create and edit Custom Post Types (CPT) and Taxonomies in WordPress.


How to start?

Click in the admin menu (left) on eesy Posttype and create your first Custom Post Type (CPT).

What has to be considered when naming a Post Type (CPT)?

Each Post Type must have a unique name. If a name has already been assigned to another Post Type, you will be notified accordingly. A Post Type name always consists of only one term/word.

What is meant by designation (plural / singular)?

Here you have the possibility to enter terms for their plural and singular of your Post Type. The Post Type designation within the WordPress Admin area adjusts itself accordingly.

What is a Post Type slug?

The Post Type slug is the user friendly and URL valid name of a Post Type.

What is a taxonomy?

Taxonomy is a term for a classification schema. You can assign your own taxonomies (custom taxonomies) to Custom Post Types (CPT) to classify them in this way.

What does the option Delete all Post Type contents from the database when uninstalling do?

Setting off: If you reinstall the eesy Posttype plugin, all Post Types and taxonomies created during a previous installation would be available again. Setting on: During a deinstallation all corresponding entries in the database will be removed in addition to the plugin files.


1.0.1 1.0