This is a complete new version and every old config will be deleted.
Advanced wordpress and NextGen Gallery with some extra effects.
What is EFWP / What can you expect?
- A non invasive WordPress-plugin that extend Worpress and NextGen Gallery with some new effects
- Highslide and Lightbox (Colorbox) support
- Configuration of the effects over a web option page
- Full i18n-Support through gnutext mo/po files
- WP-Network support
Important Links:
- Bugfix : Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started a ....effects-for-nextgen-gallery/effects/lightbox/effect.php:1
- Bugfix : Corrected the loading of the textdomain. Thanks to Terry Wilson for the hint.
- Bugfix : Added deregister for Javascript libraries
- Change : Update the POT file
- Bugfix : Fixed the highslide control display problem
- Add : Theme support for effects
- Add : Highslide option for the position of the picture number
- Add : Highslide option for graphic outline
- Remove : Highslide graphic path
- Remove : unused effects
- Add : Highslide library integrated and therefore no extra download required.
- Add : Licensing exam in administration interface integrated.
- Add : Support for custom lightbox config file
- Add : Configuration options for Lightbox
- Add : POT file for translation
- Bugfix : Lightbox no longer works in version 0.7.4
- Add : I added a button for each supported effect. This button serves as a quick link to the configuration page
- Change : Merg all effect sites to one effect site.
- Add : Table for custom effects on the general option page
- Add : Add initial value function for options (Is executed at each activation of the plugin)
- Change : Move file_exists check for Highslide to the Highslide tab
- Change : Replaced the checkbox and radiobutton images with new
- Add : New style for checkbox and radio buttons for the option pages
- Add : Highslide translation support (GetText)
- Add : Some configuration options for Highslide
- Change : Use wp_enqueue_script for loading and wp_localize_script for localization
- Remove : Removed file_exists check for lightbox library, because the files are already built into the package. (General option page)
- Remove : Highslide IE6 support
- Changed look and feel of the option page
- Added support for optional highslide library files (easing_equations.js, highslide-ie6.css);
- Bugfix: Highslide graphics path
- Start with creating of an option page
- Added option to de-/activate an effect
- Added support for Lightbox (Library slimbox2 is included, but at the moment is no auto image resize to screen-size)
- Read the selected effect from the NGG-Config
Changed code design to a modular structure. At the moment only one highslide layout is supportede for every image, but it works with ngg-gallery, ngg-singlepic and ngg-sidebar.
- Add support for NGG-Gallery-Tag
- Display every NextGen images as single picture.