Added a filter to the style property of the Report-DIV to remove the ability of content authors to insert scripts into the shortcode that generates the Report HTML. Now you'll have to put those scripts directly into your content after the shotcode if you want to add them.
Added a Shortcode for an "Export to CSV" button, and fixed the "create_function() is deprecated" error and an Undefined Index notice to make the plugin compatible with the newest versions of PHP and WordPress.
Fixed the deletion of old backup files when the commandline backup method is used.
Changed all mysql_ functions to mysqli_ to fix deprecation errors, fixed the usage of %s in queries containing PHP variables, and fixed a vulnerability in the shortcodes that could be exploited by subscriber level users.
Fixed the custom backup directory setting and two deprecated function errors.
Fixed two vulnerabilities that could be exploited by site admins, thanks to Felipe Molina for discovering these bugs.
Upgraded Widget Class for compatibility with WordPress 4.3 changes.
Fixed some minor styles in the admin and added a feature to hide all the reports from the main admin menu.
Fixed some minor bugs, improved the handling of multiple queries and added a call to do_shortcode to the query results.
Made minor layout changes to the Edit Reports page, fixed the Delete Report button to work on failed queries, and used wpdb for full compatibility with WP 3.9.
Fixed table header row, added an SQL Reports widget, and support for multiple queries on one report.
Improved the compatibility and reliability of the restore process.
Add ability to place reports on the dashboard for a given Role.
Created a second method for backups that uses the command line mysql, made compression optional and backup location changable, restore function able to connect to an external DB, and fixed shortcode to work with sanitize_title.
Added scheduler for hourly and daily backups, upgraded the Backup process to ZIP and email all backups, and added a shortcode for get_var.
Fixed the Backup process to capture VIEW definitions properly.
Added database backup feature and fixed Report name issue when using apostrophes.
Added Menu Placement and sorting options and expanded eval function to take multiple global variables.
Added eval function to take PHP code in the SQL Statement.
Added css classes to the Table and TRs for better style control.
Added shortcode support so you can put your reports onto Pages and Posts.
Added styled DIV around Reports with ID tag so that you can customize the style.