Scans posts in selected category for embedded media, and displays first embedded media found using Wordpress' oEmbed function.
Many customisation options.
Options, from the top:
Media Types:
- Check media types to display. The widget will scan posts in the selected category and the first embedded media of the selected type(s) will be displayed.
- If post has more than one item embedded, the first found media of the selected type(s) will be displayed.
- More media types may be added in future updates.
Display Post Meta Items:
- Check to display Post Title, Excerpt and permalink.
Handle Media Duplication:
These settings attempt to prevent duplicate content appearing in the main content and sidebar widget.
- The first option prevents posts from the selected category from appearing on your site's Homepage, if checked. You may still see duplication of media, if posts containing media are in multiple categories.
- The second option prevents media from a post showing in the widget if a user is on the Single-Post page for the same post. This may lead to media from an older post being shown in the widget, depending on other settings.
Other Options:
- Number of pages etc.: Number of pages to scan for embedded media. Setting to higher values may slow down your site, so it's usually better to ensure that recents posts in the selected category have media embedded, then set this to a low value.
- Only show media from last x days: Only display media from posts newer than the selected value in days. Leave blank to remove this limitation.
- Fallback media: URL of media to display if no media found. Media must support oEmbed.
Widget will not display if no media is found, and no fallback media specified.
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.