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Email Subscriber

开发者 kentothemes
更新时间 2015年12月28日 18:05
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


subscription email list mailchimp email subscribe Email Subscription Mail Subscribe List Building a mailing list Simple Subscribe



Simple way to get visitors email address as email subscriber. use via shortcode to any page with six different themes for subscriber box. Plugin Features


  1. Install as regular WordPress plugin.
  2. Go your Plugins setting via WordPress Dashboard and activate it.
  3. After successfully activate you will see a menu ES Campaign
Generate a shortcode first. To display email subscriber popup box on your website you need to generate a shortcode first. First click "Create ES Campaign"\ you will see options for shortcode generator. publish the post(Email Subscriber Options) when settings done. and copy the shortcode from "Shortcode" box and use this to page or post content. shortcode sample: [kento_email_subscriber_campaign id=1488] <?php echo do_shortcode("[kento_email_subscriber_campaign id=1488]"); ?> if you want to display on every page simply paste php code on your theme header.php file.


  • admin settings
  • subscriber list
  • theme one
  • theme two
  • theme three
  • theme four
  • theme five
  • theme six
  • admin settings
  • subscriber list
  • theme one
  • theme two


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