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Embed Bible Passages

开发者 drmikegreen
更新时间 2021年10月26日 07:50
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


shortcode Bible reading plans Bible daily readings inline Bible passages Book of Common Prayer Lectionary ESV Bible Web Service


0.71 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.6 1.6.7 1.6.8 1.6.9 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.6.5 1.7.3



  1. Apply for an access code at
  2. Extract the embed-bible-passages folder and place in the wp-content/plugins folder. Enable the plugin.
  3. Enter your access code at your site's WordPress Dashboard under Settings -> Embed Bible Passages.
  4. Select whether or not to provide the ability for users to select passages for days other than the current day by clicking on a calendar.
  5. Select whether or not to optionally show a "Powered by" attribution at the bottom of pages.
  6. Create pages and/or posts containing the shortcode of the form [embed_bible_passage reading_plan='bcp'].


  • Sample input for page of Through the Bible in a Year.
  • Sample result for page of Through the Bible in a Year.
  • Settings page.


1.7.3 This version repeats notifications stressing to users to the fact that this plugin will no longer work after 15 April 2021 because are decommissioning their Version 2 API on that date. This plugin uses Version 2 of the API to obtain the Scriptures organized according to reading plans. 1.7.2 This version places notifications on the website alerting users to the fact that this plugin will no longer work after 15 April 2021 because are decommissioning their Version 2 API on that date. This plugin uses Version 2 of the API to obtain the Scriptures organized according to reading plans. 1.7.1 This version notifies users that this plugin will no longer work after 15 April 2021 because are decommissioning their Version 2 API on that date. This plugin uses Version 2 of the API to obtain the Scriptures organized according to reading plans. 1.7 This version completes the 1.6.9.x version updates with a correction to the way mp3 files are handled, causing the HTML audio player to again work with Google Chrome. This version:
  1. Corrects usage of parse_str() function.
  2. Adds new information about the updated Bible Reading Plans plugin. This version:
  1. Provides link to mp3 files for Google Chrome, since the HTML audio player is currently not working with Chrome.
  2. Corrects the way the message concerning accessing the readings at Vanderbilt Divinity Library website is displays.
1.6.9 This version:
  1. Eliminates the recommendation to use TEST for the API key.
  2. Increases the timeout time length to 50 seconds.
1.6.8 This version makes MP3 the only audio format. (Flash is no longer supported.) 1.6.7 This version includes a correction to use http or https audio files from to be used in audio player. 1.6.6 If the scripture fails to load from for the BCP this version adds a message recommending getting the readings at the Vanderbilt Divinity Library. 1.6.5 This version:
  1. Changes call to for query-ui.css changed to an https call instead of an http one.
  2. Adds a timeout of 10 seconds for retrieving Scriptures from
  3. Corrects the way the default Access Key is loaded.
1.6.4 This version changes the default Access Key to TEST, instead of IP in order to conform to changes in the ESV Bible Web Service API. It also removes the link to obtain an Access Key, since this is not currently available at 1.6.3 This version corrects duplicate entry of tags, which in certain cases may have caused layout issues. 1.6.2 This version cleans up some input screen layout issues. 1.6.1 This version corrects the path to wp-includes. 1.6 This version provides an option to place the calendar inside the first block of text. (Calendar will always be above the text for screens less than 480px wide.) 1.5.2 This version delays loading the Bible Readings until the HTML page is completely loaded to help resolve formating issues in some cases. 1.5.1 This version inserts a "Loading" image in place of the Bible Readings when a new date is selected. This image is replaced by the Bible Readings when they are loaded. 1.5 This version:
  1. Uses the WordPress audio shortcode method to implement the audio player for MP3, thereby effecting improved fallback options for a variety of devices.
  2. Also corrects a problem with Firefox for Android which, before this update, was playing all audios on the page whenever it was opened.
1.4.2 This version has an AJAX loading spinner with a transparent background to make it compatible with more designs. 1.4.1 This version uses a relative AJAX URL to avoid false cross-domain blocking when more than one URL points to the same site. 1.4 This version:
  1. Provides the ability to choose MP3 or Flash for the format of the audio.
  2. Makes MP3 the default for Android, as it has been for iPhone and iPad since version 0.7.
  3. Uses HTML5 audio tags if MP3 is in use making listening to the audio much more convenient on mobile devices. Provides fallback to embedded audio or a link for browsers which cannot handle HTML5 audio tags.
1.3 This version causes the client's time to be used to set the date of the Bible readings loaded initially. 1.2 This version causes Scriptures to be loaded by jQuery both initially and by Datepicker (if it is used) to help achieve uniformity in formatting. Additionally, Datepicker code is only loaded when Datepicker is used. 1.1 This version changes loading readings from jQuery.load() to the WordPress AJAX system ( 1.0 This version cleans up version contol issues in order to bring the plugin to version 1.0 status. 0.71 This version corrects commitment of revision to repository in order to include new file created for version 0.7. 0.7 This version implements:
  1. IMPORTANT CHANGE: A correction to the shortcode naming system: The shortcode is now [embed_bible_passage reading_plan='bcp']. (reading-plan has been changed to reading_plan. See
  2. The ability to use other than the default reading plan.
  3. An optional ability for users to select passages for days other than the current day by clicking on a calendar.
  4. An mp3 audio file is used for iPhone and iPad, rather than the default Flash audio file.
0.211 This version improves the documentation and corrects the link in the "Powered by" attribution at the bottom of pages. 0.21 This version adds the ability to optionally show a "Powered by" attribution at the bottom of pages.


Where can I see working examples of this plugin?

Firefox for Android plays all audios on the page whenever it is opened

This has been corrected in version 1.5.

"Listen" doesn't work or work conveniently on mobile devices. How can this be corrected?

This has been (at least largely) corrected in version 1.4. The plugin now passes all of the tests at

"Listen" is displayed in very large font. How can this be corrected?

This phenomenon appears to be caused by some other plugin or theme setting which surrounds the code which displays the word "Listen" to be displayed to be enclosed by div tags which impose the style of the class used in those tags on the contents of that pair of div tags. Changing the style of the class should correct this problem. In addition, Version 1.2 contains a change to the way the Scriptures are loaded into the page with the intention that other plugin or theme settings will not be able to enclose the code which displays the word "Listen" in div tags.

How can the date be made to be that of the local time zone?

Version 1.3 presents the Bible readings for the day according to the time set on the user's computer.


Repeats notifications stressing to users to the fact that this plugin will no longer work after 15 April 2021 because are decommissioning their Version 2 API on that date. This plugin uses Version 2 of the API to obtain the Scriptures organized according to reading plans. 1.7.2 Places notifications on the website alerting users to the fact that this plugin will no longer work after 15 April 2021 because are decommissioning their Version 2 API on that date. This plugin uses Version 2 of the API to obtain the Scriptures organized according to reading plans. 1.7.1 Notifies users that this plugin will no longer work after 15 April 2021 because are decommissioning their Version 2 API on that date. This plugin uses Version 2 of the API to obtain the Scriptures organized according to reading plans. 1.7 Completes the 1.6.9.x version updates with a correction to the way mp3 files are handled, causing the HTML audio player to again work with Google Chrome.
  1. Corrects usage of parse_str() function.
  2. Adds new information about the updated Bible Reading Plans plugin.
  1. Provides link to mp3 files for Google Chrome, since the HTML audio player is currently not working with Chrome.
  2. Corrects the way the message concerning accessing the readings at Vanderbilt Divinity Library website is displays.
  1. Eliminates the recommendation to use TEST for the API key.
  2. Timeout time length increased to 50 seconds.
1.6.8 Changes made to make MP3 the only audio format. (Flash is no longer supported.) 1.6.7 Correction to use http or https audio files from to be used in audio player. 1.6.6 If the scripture fails to load from for the BCP a message is added recommending getting the readings at the Vanderbilt Divinity Library. 1.6.5
  1. Call to for query-ui.css changed to an https call instead of an http one.
  2. Added timeout of 10 seconds for retrieving Scriptures from
  3. Corrected the way the default Access Key is loaded.
1.6.4 Changes the default Access Key to TEST, instead of IP in order to conform to changes in the ESV Bible Web Service API and also removes the link to obtain an Access Key, since this is not currently available at 1.6.3 Bugfix. Corrects duplicate entry of tags, which in certain cases may have caused layout issues. Also centers loading spinner image. 1.6.2 Cleans up some input screen layout issues. 1.6.1 Bugfix. Corrects path to wp-includes. 1.6 Provides an option to places the calendar inside the first block of text. (Calendar will always be above the text for screens less than 480px wide.) 1.5.2 Delays loading the Bible Readings until the HTML page is completely loaded to help resolve formating issues in some cases. 1.5.1 Adds inserting a "Loading" image in place of the Bible Readings when a new date is selected. This image is replaced by the Bible Readings when they are loaded. 1.5 =
  1. Now uses the WordPress audio shortcode method to implement the audio player for MP3, thereby effecting improved fallback options for a variety of devices.
  2. Corrected a problem with Firefox for Android which, before this update, was playing all audios on the page whenever it was opened.
1.4.2 Uses an AJAX loading spinner with a transparent background to make it compatible with more designs. 1.4.1 Uses a relative AJAX URL to avoid false cross-domain blocking when more than one URL points to the same site. 1.4
  1. Provided the ability to choose MP3 or Flash for the format of the audio.
  2. Made MP3 the default for Android, as it has been for iPhone and iPad since version 0.7, since Adobe no longer supports Android.
  3. Added the use of HTML5 audio tags if MP3 is in use and provided fallback to embedded audio or a link for browsers which cannot handle HTML5 audio tags.
  4. Reordered the administrative panel.
  5. Added "Loading" image to page. This image is replaced by the Bible Readings when they are loaded.
1.3 The client's time is used to set the date of the Bible readings loaded initially. 1.2
  1. Scriptures are loaded by jQuery both initially and by Datepicker (if it is used) to help achieve uniformity in formatting.
  2. JavaScript for Datepicker only loaded to footer when Datepicker is used.
1.1 Change loading readings from jQuery.load() to the WordPress AJAX system ( 1.0 Cleanup to bring to version 1.0 status. 0.71 Correction to commitment of revision to repository in order to include new file created for version 0.7. 0.7
  1. IMPORTANT CHANGE: A correction to the shortcode naming system: The shortcode is now [embed_bible_passage reading_plan='bcp']. (reading-plan has been changed to reading_plan. See
  2. The ability to use other than the default reading plan.
  3. An optional ability for users to select passages for days other than the current day by clicking on a calendar.
  4. An mp3 audio file is used for iPhone and iPad, rather than the default Flash audio file.
0.211 Improves the documentation and corrects the link in the "Powered by" attribution at the bottom of pages. 0.21 Adds the ability to optionally show a "Powered by" attribution at the bottom of pages.