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Embed PDF with Smallpdf

开发者 Smallpdf
更新时间 2024年11月15日 00:43
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPL-2.0-or-later
版权网址: 版权信息


document PDF embed PDF PDF viewer Smallpdf




Embed PDF with Smallpdf makes it easy to add PDF documents to your WordPress posts and pages. This plugin offers two convenient methods for embedding PDFs:
  1. Gutenberg Block:
  2. Add the block by clicking on the + button in the Gutenberg editor.
  3. Search for "Embed PDF with Smallpdf".
  4. You can either upload a PDF from your media library or paste a PDF URL in the block details in the sidebar.
  5. Adjust the height of the widget by specifying the size in pixels (px) from the sidebar.
  6. Shortcode:
  7. Use the shortcode [pdf url='_ADD_PDF_URL_HERE_'] to embed a PDF.
  8. Control the height of the widget by adding the height parameter to the shortcode, e.g., [pdf url='' height='480']. The height value, in px, must be integer.
This flexibility allows you to seamlessly integrate PDF files into your content, ensuring they are easily accessible to your audience.


From your Wordpress Admin Dashboard (Recommended)
  1. Go to PluginsAdd New Plugin
  2. Search for Embed PDF with Smallpdf
  3. Click Install, then Activate
Manual installation
  1. Download the plugin as .zip file
  2. Unzip the downloaded archive
  3. Upload embed-pdf-by-smallpdf folder into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Go to PluginsInstalled Plugins
  5. Activate Embed PDF with Smallpdf


Can I embed multiple PDFs on the same page?

Yes, you can embed multiple PDFs on the same page using either the Gutenberg block or the shortcode. Each block or shortcode will handle an individual PDF file.

Can I adjust the dimensions of the embedded PDF viewer?

Yes, you can adjust the height of the embedded PDF viewer. In the Gutenberg block, you can specify the height in the block's sidebar settings. When using the shortcode, add the height parameter with the desired value in pixels, e.g., height='500'.

What types of PDF files can I embed?

You can embed any standard PDF file. Simply ensure that the URL you provide or the file you upload is a valid PDF document.

Can I use this plugin without an API key?

Yes, the Embed PDF with Smallpdf plugin does not require an API key to function. You can embed PDFs without any additional setup

Why does it say "Document unavaiable"?

The message Document unavailable typically means that the PDF is not reachable or readable. To resolve this issue, please ensure that:

  • The URL points to a valid PDF file.
  • There are no typos in the URL.
  • Your internet connection is stable.
If the problem persists, verify that the PDF file is publicly accessible and not restricted by permissions or behind a firewall.


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