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Energy Saver

开发者 StereoAgency
更新时间 2014年3月7日 01:05
PHP版本: 3.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.8.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


wordpress change optimize less compress focus optimisation ecology green climate screensaver energy economy saving electricity



For an Introduction & Demo to Energy Saver, visit the plugin's page Energy Saver is a lightweight plugin for your website or blog that spares energy by dimming the brightness of the page when it's not in focus. Energy Saver is 101% free. We made this plugin with the hope that we can lower the amount of energy used around the web, thanks to the help of webmasters, bloggers and site owners. If you use it, it will save electricity for all your visitors, but it will also increase the response time and availability of your Wordpress (that's the extra 1%). Features:


To install the Energy Saver plugin and start saving the world's energy:
  1. Install Energy Saver through the plugin directory, or by uploading the ZIP file to your server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Energy Saver is now active.
  4. Go to the plugin settings, and start customizing your preferences!


  • Screensaver - The plugin is actively saving energy when the window is out of focus.
  • Admin Panel - Adjust your settings, color schemes and overall preferences.


0.1.1 Initial public release of the Energy Saver plugin.


Does it really save energy and how?

YES it does. Thanks to two simple ideas.

  • On the user's side, it darkens the screen as long as the user is not focusing on the page. Darker page means less light, therefore less energy consumed by the user's monitor or screen. Multiply the tiny amount of energy saved, by the number of visitors on each Wordpress, then by the huge number of Wordpress powered websites and blogs. This can be a massive amount of energy saved and a 'greener' world wide web.
  • On the server's side, it compresses your Wordpress pages and ressources before they're sent to the user. It results in smaller files being sent to the browser. Smaller files means less bandwidth, less server power and faster delivery of the pages.

What about mobile devices?

For now, Energy Saver is not activated on the front side of your blog / website for mobile users. They will not see a darker screen. As there is no way to monitor if a user is focused on his mobile browser or not, it is not necessary to annoy them with odd behaviours. ON THE SERVER SIDE THOUGH, the plugin still saves a lot of bandwidth by compressing pages and ressources, which is clearly a more pertinent feature for mobile devices users since mobile bandwidth is more expensive.

Can I turn off the initial message?

YES. The initial welcome message can easily be hidden if you do not want to show it every time a new user visits your site. This is just an extra opportunity to explain what's going on…

Can I customize it?

YES. If you prefer a different message to explain or better advertise the plugin's use, feel free to do so in your own words.

Will it hurt my website?

NO. This plugin is light and smart. Unless you're running an older (< 3.x) version of Wordpress under a Netscape 4 browser, you shouldn't have any issue! Actually, it will speed up your website, so it's just the opposite.

