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开发者 CreativeMindsSolutions
CreativeMinds. Based on jatls TooltipGlossary
更新时间 2025年1月8日 00:43
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2


posts pages automatic tooltip glossary definitions




Parses posts for defined glossary terms and adds links to the static glossary page containing the definition. The plugin also creates a tooltip containing the definition which is displayed when users mouseover the term. Based on automatic-glossary and on [TooltipGlossary] ( The code has been bug fixed based on TooltipGlossary and many new features added. A new tag was introduced to avoid using the Tooltip [glossary_exclude] text [/glossary_exclude]. The tooltip is created with JavaScript based on the article written by Michael Leigeber here and can be customized and styled through the tooltip.css and tooltip.js files.


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Define your glossary terms under the glossary menu item in the administration interface. The title of the page should be the term. The body content should be the definition.
  4. Create a main glossary page (example "Glossary") with no body content if you wish to. If you do not create this page then your terms will still be highlighted but there will not be a central listing of all your terms.
  5. In the plugin's dashboard preferences, enter the main glossary page's id (optional as above)
  6. There are a handful of other optional preferences available in the dashboard.
Note: You must have a call to wp_head() in your template in order for the tooltip js and css to work properly. If your theme does not support this you will need to link to these files manually in your theme (not recommended).


Does my main glossary page need to be titled "Glossary"?

No. It can be called anything. In fact you don't even need to have a main glossary page.

Do I need to manually type in an unordered list of my glossary terms on the glossary page?

No. Just leave that page blank. The plugin creates the unordered list of terms automatically.

How do I add glossary terms?

Simply add a term under the 'Glossary' section in the adminstration interface. Title it the glossary term (ex. "WordPress") and put the term's definition into the body (ex. "A neato Blogging Platform").

What if I need to add or change a glossary term?

Just add it or change it. The links for your glossary terms are added to your page and post content on the fly so your glossary links will always be up to date.

How do I prevent the glossary from parsing a paragraph

Just wrap the paragraph with [glossary_exclude] paragraph text [/glossary_exclude].

How do I define the Glossary link style

You can use glossaryLink. You can also define glossaryLinkMain if you wish to have a different style in the main glossary page

