This plugin (EP Tools Plugins GUI) is responsible to manage the GUIs of my plugins. This plugin collect all the configuration interface in a single page in order to minimize the impact on WordPress Administrative area.
The features are:
- full support to WordPress auto-upgrade functionality;
- full-uninstall for this plugin (remove all plugin's data stored in WordPress database);
- full-uninstall for supported plugin (if available);
- plugin's GUI loading full automated
In order to install this plugin, please follow the next stesps:
The .zip file contains two distinct directory: (a) ep_tools_atom_fix and (b) ep_tools_shared; the first one contains the plugin itself, the second one contains the common framework for all my plugins.
If you have all ready the ep_tools_shared folder,
don't delete it, but only copy in it the files enclosed within this plugin.
- remove EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Atom Fix, if it is installed and if its version is below 2.0;
- remove EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Administrative GUI, if it is installed;
- copy the ep-tools-eros-pedrini-tools-gui folder in the WordPressfolder wp-content/plugins;
- active the plugin from the WordPress plugin interfece.