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EP Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Thickbox CSS Fix

开发者 Eros Pedrini
更新时间 2009年2月17日 19:58
PHP版本: 2.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.6


css fix validation thickbox


1.1 1.2


This plugin fixes the Thickbox CSS problem; when this plugin is active the Thickbox plugin became compliant with CSS validation. This new release fixes a javascript bug (a declaration variable missing) and improves the quality of the visualization under IE7.


In order to install this plugin, please follow the next steps:
  1. install EP Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) - Plugins GUI (if it has not been yet installed);
  2. copy the ep-tools-eros-pedrini-tools-thickbox-validation-fix folder in the WordPress folder wp-content/plugins;
  3. active this plugin from the WordPress plugin interfece;
  4. configure the plugin using the interface under the Manage page in WordPress Administration.


Should I modify any code in wordpress?

Not needed. You have to just upload the files

If I de-activate this plugin will it affect my blog?

No. This plugin uses some of function of wordpress. Wordpress has nothing to with plugin. So de-activating this plugin is 100% safe.