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Epitome Gallery

开发者 freddessaint2
更新时间 2015年12月7日 16:12
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


gallery slider columns layout subtitle



Epitome Gallery aims to bring new possibilites to the native WordPress gallery. From the Edit Gallery panel in the Gallery Settings sidebar, you will find new fields for selecting the gallery type and optionaly applying a custom class. Available gallery types are the following: Slider, Featured Slider, Callout. You manage your gallery (selection, sorting, description) as usual. Epitome Gallery is great to create complex layouts based on a simple WordPress gallery. When saving, the plugin add custom attributes in the WordPress gallery shortcode. The first one is epitome_type="name" that define the type of gallery (optional if the type is set to default). The second one is optional epitome_class="name" and contains one or more class names to apply. Gallery types JavaScript Epitome Gallery use a JavaScript file (coded with jQuery) to handle the slider. You can use to customize your own slider. Parameters are the following: javascript pauseTime: 3000, // Delay between 2 slides pauseOnHover: true, // Pause slider on hover autoSlide: false, // Start sliding automatically startSlide: 1, // Initial slide number at start width: 640, // In pixel, or keyword 'auto', 'viewport' height: 360, // In pixel, or keyword 'auto', 'viewport' prefetch: true, // Load adjacent slides sitOnTop: false, // Scroll at the top on slider when clicking on it prevText: "Prev", // Direction of previous button label nextText: "Next", // Direction of next button label directionNav: true, // Display direction button (arrows at the egdge of slider) paginationNav: true, // Display pagination button (dots at bottom of slider) prevHandle: null, // Callback function when clicking previous button nextHandle: null, // Callback function when clicking next button itemHandle: null, // Callback function to filter dot elements beforeChange: null, // Callback function to launch action before a slide changes afterChange: null, // Callback function to launch action after a slide changes resize: null // Callback function when catching a window resize event. Usage You can replace the default event initialized by the Epitome Gallery in the main JavaScript file of your theme. Instanciate the EpitomeSlider JavaScript object through a custom event and with custom parameters used for this theme. This is similar to the WordPress function do_action(). That's important to declare this event outside a ready event. javascript $(document).on('epitome_slider_init', function(e) { // Instanciate for a regular slider $('.gallery.slider[data-type="regular-slider"]').EpitomeSlider({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }); // Instanciate for a featured slider $('.gallery.slider[data-type="featured-slider"]').EpitomeSlider({ width: 'auto', height: 'viewport' }); });


  1. Upload the epitome-gallery folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

