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Estatik Real Estate Plugin

开发者 Estatik
更新时间 2025年2月11日 13:23
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


real estate property listings MLS RETS idx realtor webAPI


3.3.2 2.0.1 2.2.0 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.5 2.3.0 2.3.1 2.4.0 3.0 3.0.2 3.1.1 3.6.0 3.6.1 3.6.5 3.6.6 3.7.0 3.7.2 3.8.0 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.9.0 3.9.1 3.9.6 1.1.1 3.4.1 3.8.7 3.4.0 3.7.1 3.8.9 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.6.2 3.11.14 3.0.1 3.6.4 3.2.0 3.3.1 3.3.6 3.5.0 1.0.0 2.0 2.1.0 3.3.3 3.3.7 3.6.3 3.8.5 1.0.1 3.8.6 2.2.4 2.2.3 3.8.8


User-friendly intuitive interface. Clean design. Flexible functionality. The full-featured WordPress real estate plugin with smooth integration with Elementor Page Builder. Visit for more information. Visit demo of Estatik plugin built with Elementor Hello Theme. Main features: PRO & Premium features: Estatik Native Themes: It also works with most of WordPress themes but if you have any issues, just drop us a message and we will add support of your theme for free. Documentation & shortcodes: Please visit this documentation page to get a full list of shortcodes. Full list of shortcodes can be found here Translated into:


Do all Estatik Themes support Estatik 4.0?

No, not all Estatik Themes support Estatik 4.0 version. Currently, only Estatik Realtor Theme supports 4.0 ver. We will also add Portal Theme support. All other themes are incompatible with 4.0 ver. but you still can use it and count on our support. If you upgraded the plugin using Native Theme, for example, you can deactivate the plugin and install back the previous version. Nothing will be lost.

After upgrading to 4.0 something is wrong with properties images and pages.

Make sure that you proceeded with Migration properly. (Here)[] is our quick guide how you need to migrate your listings and configuration.

Can I get back to 3.x version after upgrading to 4.0 ?

Yes, you can do it any time.

Does Estatik work with any Wordpress theme?

Yes, it works smoothly with most of WordPress themes and page builders.

What is the difference between simple and pro versions?

You can compare all available versions here >>

Can I have free support?

With Estatik PRO or Premium version you get free support for 6 months (PRO) / 1 year (Premium) and for 1 website. Support for Simple free version is limited to WordPress forum. Please post your question here at Support forum, or contact us >> and we will help you with issues.

How can I import MLS listings using Estatik plugin?

We developed Estatik Premium version for MLS listings import via RETS or RESO Web API.

When I click on details page it says 404 Error: page not found.

Please go to Settings >> Permalinks and click Save button there. After update your website frontend page and check the result.

How can I upgrade from Simple to PRO? Will I lose my listings and will need to add them from scratch?

To upgrade from Simple to paid PRO or Premium version, you need to deactivate your active Simple version and install PRO and activate it. Then remove Simple version. Your listings and plugin configuration will be safe.


4.1.9 (February 10, 2024) 4.1.8 (November 28, 2024) 4.1.7 (September 26, 2024) 4.1.6 (August 12, 2024) 4.1.5 (July 04, 2024) 4.1.4 (May 22, 2024) 4.1.3 (April 08, 2024) 4.1.2 (March 01, 2024) 4.1.1 (December 13, 2023) 4.1.0 (September 03, 2023) NEW: MLS import & sync refactored. NEW: Property meta icons refactored. NEW: Log out link added on user profile page for mobile devices. NEW: Added new email settings fields. NEW: MLS Realtyserver autoconfig added. NEW: Added search support for es_parking, es_roof etc fields. NEW: strict_address param added for es_my_listing shortcode. NEW: Back button on compare page css fix added. NEW: RTL support added for all of slick sliders. NEW: Option for disable geolocation of request form added. NEW: Auto assign agent to agency implemented for MLS Import. NEW: Added zoom level option for single property page map. NEW: Polylang integrated for breadcrumbs links on single property page. NEW: Reset search button refactored. FIXED: es_get_contact_link function php warning fixed. FIXED: Paragonapi WebApi autoconfig added. FIXED: Map zoom saving fix added. FIXED: Predefined values for search form fix added. FIXED: Tel field php warning fixed. FIXED: Buyers migration fix added. FIXED: Plugin migration fix added. FIXED: Unlimited subscription plans fix added. FIXED: Appointments deletion fix added. FIXED: Subscription plans ID generation fix added. FIXED: Field builder fixes added. FIXED: Fixed plugin emails fatal error. FIXED: Data manager fixes added. FIXED: Subscription labels fixes added. FIXED: Properties slider fixes added. FIXED: Responsive fixed for single property page. FIXED: Recaptcha fix added. FIXED: Slick slider in flexbox container fix added. FIXED: Added video field import support for WP All Import plugin. FIXED: Map popup fix added. FIXED: Price format fix added. FIXED: MLS import video fix added. FIXED: Fixed location fields in search form. FIXED: Minor fixes 4.0.7 (June 24, 2023) NEW: Pure autoconfig for MLSAligned, harmls MLS provider added NEW: FB support for video section in single property added NEW: Appsecret_proof for facebook auth added NEW: Default archive page disable option added NEW: Request form default message deleted NEW: Google fonts cache optimized NEW: mls_resource and mls_class attributes to es_my_listing shortcode added NEW: Translation support for multiple values in FB added NEW: Drop-down fields placeholder to search form added NEW: Currency code display support added NEW: Meta icons loading in property box optimized NEW: Import limits in MLS schedules added NEW: Sorting by labels implemented NEW: Search form autocomplete support for listings addresses added NEW: Switcher field values changed to Yes / No NEW: Neighborhood field in property management added NEW: WP All Import address components generation added NEW: White label for admin plugin area improved NEW: [es_property_map] shortcode added NEW: HTML editor field in FB added FIXED: Search from Select2 fields CSS + JS fix added FIXED: Compare listings container fix added. FIXED: Property video section CSS sizes fixed FIXED: URL field type fixed. FIXED: Listings duplication for crea ddf preventive fix added FIXED: Agents order in Request form fixed FIXED: es_the_formatted_field $before, $after variables for empty value fixed FIXED: ReCaptcha for AJAX request forms fixed FIXED: JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE to json_encode for address components added FIXED: Properties removal actualizer fixed FIXED: Search form range fields fixed FIXED: Taxonomy archive title fixed FIXED: Comma separation for ‘city’ values in es_my_listing shortcode fixed FIXED: Price variation in search form fixed FIXED: Property sections translation bug fixed FIXED: Scroll top animation after using pagination - fixed FIXED: Profile single request info page fixed FIXED: es_get_agents_list function allowed memory size error fixed FIXED: Incorrect MLS credentials fatal error fixed FIXED: Contacts field fatal error fixed FIXED: Data Manager Icon uploader bug fixed FIXED: Polylang migration fatal error fixed FIXED: Locations breadcrumbs bug fixed FIXED: Migration progress bar fixed 4.0.6 (April 17, 2023) NEW: appsecret_proof argument added for Facebook auth. NEW: MLS mlsaligned provider integrated. NEW: Fields builder request form section message setting added. NEW: Reset option for MLS sync fields added. NEW: City field set as multiple in estatik search widget. NEW: Tags field support added for listings shortcode. NEW: Range mode for custom numeric fb fields implemented. NEW: Added bulk actions for admin requests archive. FIXED: Select2 for elementor popups fix added. FIXED: Properties carousel vertical layout fixed. FIXED: Search widget locations fields fix added for elementor popups. FIXED: Fields builder fields deletion fix added for PDF brochure. FIXED: Duplicated machine name for fb fields & sections fix added. FIXED: Agent tel saving fix added. FIXED: Status field for properties map fix added. FIXED: Property SVG icon color fixed. FIXED: FB fields translations fix added. FIXED: Admin properties archive pagination fixed. FIXED: User profile avatar fixed. FIXED: Agent description css fix added. FIXED: Rooms functionality fixes added. FIXED: Admin widgets broken page fixed. FIXED: Property file fields saving fix added. 4.0.5 (February 25, 2023) NEW: Title field for MLS Profiles added. NEW: Option for disable saved search functionality added. NEW: New settings tab for manage user profile added. NEW: MLS Web API classes added. NEW: Raprets MLS provider media support added. NEW: Plugin fonts uploading fixed. NEW: file_get_contents function for retrieve SVG content deleted. NEW: prop_id attribute added for [es_my_listing shortcode] NEW: Multiple support for select2 fields in estatik framework added. NEW: No min, No max labels changed to min,max in search form. NEW: es_before_single_wrapper, es_after_single_wrapper actions for estatik single templates added NEW: Full width field setting in fields builder form added. NEW: Deletion of child automatic imports implemented. NEW: MLSGrid v2 provider autoconfig added. FIXED: German translations modified. FIXED: Property management form buttons css fix added. FIXED: CSS fix for MLS password field added. FIXED: Agent & agencies enabler switcher fix added. FIXED: Elementor listings widget filter fix added. FIXED: Fields builder translations fix added. FIXED: Fixed fields builder special characters for machine_name. FIXED: file_type warning fix added. FIXED: Property mobile gallery css fix added. FIXED: Login form prefilled fields submit button fix added. FIXED: Search php warning fix added. FIXED: Fixed price field formatter. FIXED: Incorrect top margin in property gallery lightbox removed. FIXED: Fixed search form selected values labels. FIXED: Duplicated label for phone field deleted. FIXED: Openhouse fields FB fix added 4.0.4 (January 27, 2023) NEW: Added new option for disable tel country code field. NEW: Added new attribute named "default" in [es_property_field] shortcode for empty property fields. NEW: Implemented agents registration confirmation email. NEW: Set dynamic content disabled by default. NEW: Deleted formatters for bathrooms, bedrooms fields on single property page. NEW: Added new plugin translations. NEW: Added new settings for manage PDF fields in Fields Builder. FIXED: Fixed images uploading via front property management. FIXED: Property management agent assignment fix added. FIXED: Fixed search fields order in Elementor search form widget. FIXED: Google maps callback error fix added. FIXED: Fixed property quick edit form agents saving. FIXED: Fixed comments saving PHP warning. FIXED: Fixed deactivated sections render. FIXED: Fixed breadcrumbs locations order. FIXED: Fixed property price spaces. FIXED: Fixed duplicated HTML input IDs in DOM. FIXED: Recaptcha fix added. FIXED: Fixed slick slider initializing for property boxes. FIXED: Fixed search widget location fields loading for non authorised users. FIXED: Fixed MLS automatic import table render 4.0.3 (December 25, 2022) FIXED: Captcha issues fixed FIXED: FB tab fields issues fixed FIXED: single property pages mobile layout fixed FIXED: MLS ID display bug fixed FIXED: translation for sorting fixed Minor fixes 4.0.2 (December, 11, 2022) FIXED: Lazy load for carousel images added FIXED: Google fonts GDPR issue fixed FIXED: Request Info form (subject and from email issue fixed) FIXED: SEO issues fixed FIXED: Responsive js refactored 4.0.0 & 4.0.1 (November, 15, 2022) This major release contains significant code changes! Make sure you have a backup before upgrade and follow our Migration instructions here NEW: Front-and back-end interface design updated (all versions) NEW: Agencies support added (PRO & Premium) NEW: One-time payments added (PRO) NEW: Compare feature added (PRO & Premium) NEW: Buyer's & agent's profiles upgraded (PRO & Premium) NEW: Requests to profile added (PRO & Premium) NEW: AJAX map search added (all versions) NEW: Fields Builder considerably improved (all versions) NEW: Data Manager improved and extended (all versions) NEW: WP ALL Import support added (all versions) NEW: New widgets added: agencies, locations, slideshow widget (PRO & Premium) NEW: Share via email added (all versions) NEW: Elementor Support improved (all versions) Loads of minor fixes and improvements 3.11.14 (July, 27, 2022) FIX: PDF issue fixed (All versions) FIX: php warnings fixed (PRO & Premium) 3.11.13 (July, 21, 2022) NEW: MLS provider support added (Premium) NEW: PDF library upgraded (PRO & Premium) FIX: Elementor deprecated _register_controls method fixed (All versions) FIX: Elementor single property page render issue fixed (All versions) FIX: MLS actualizer execute action fixed (Premium) FIX: MLS provider date DMQL2 query fixed (Premium) FIX: actualizer queue generation fixed (Premium) FIX: properties wp query for location fields of saved search fixed (PRO & Premium) FIX: CSS fix for CSV fields added (PRO & Premium) FIX: subscriptions price field step issue fixed (PRO & Premium) FIX: fix for subscription expired email content field added (PRO & Premium) FIX: featured subscriptions payment fix added (PRO & Premium) FIX: subscriptions fix for empty total_trial_cycles field added (PRO & Premium) 3.11.12 (May, 31, 2022) NEW: Media support for reso provider added NEW: Images retrieving for CRMLS WEB API provider implemented NEW: Added error message in manual import NEW: Order sort for MLS WEB API images added FIX: Duplicated images for CRMLS MLS provider fixed FIX: MLS images import fix post_parent FIX: Media attach parent post fixed FIX: Area field type step fixed FIX: Saved search update period action fixed FIX: Attachments post parent fixed FIX: Saved homes listings layout fixed 3.11.11 (February, 14, 2022) FIX: Gallery in property PDF fixed (all versions) FIX: Slideshow widget styles in Elementor fixed (all versions) FIX: mls_class and mls_resource attributes added to es_my_listing shortcode (Premium) FIX: MLS Realty server rets dmql2 query fixed (Premium) FIX: build_fields_array class method set as public (Premium) FIX: MLS media import for mls grid v2 implemented (Premium) 3.11.10 (January 28, 2022) FIX: Magnific popup arrows fixed (all versions) FIX: Search form fixed for numeric fields (all versions) FIX: Listings archive responsive issues fixed FIX: Delete duplicates functionality implemented on property import action (Premium) FIX: IN query operator implemented for Trestle web API (Premium) 3.11.9 (January 11, 2022) 3.11.8 (December 2, 2021) 3.11.7 (November 24, 2021) 3.11.6 (November 4, 2021) 3.11.4 (September 13, 2021) 3.11.3 (August 6, 2021) 3.11.2 (July, 17, 2021) 3.11.1 (June 18, 2021) 3.11.0 (June 9, 2021) 3.10.4 (April, 27, 2021) 3.10.3 (April, 1, 2021) 3.10.2 (March 25, 2021) 3.10.1 (February, 25, 2021) 3.10.0 (February, 19, 2021) 3.9.10 (January, 22, 2021) 3.9.9. (December, 25, 2020) 3.9.8 (October 29, 2020) 3.9.7 (September 10, 2020) 3.9.6 (June 10, 2020) 3.9.5 (May 12, 2020) (March 31, 2020) 3.9.4 (March 31, 2020) 3.9.3 (February, 16, 2020) 3.9.2 (November, 6, 2019) 3.9.1 (November, 1, 2019) 3.9.0 (August, 10, 2019) 3.8.9 (July, 29, 2019) 3.8.8 (July, 10, 2019) (May, 17, 2019) 3.8.7 (May, 17, 2019) 3.8.6 (April, 25, 2019) 3.8.5 (April, 16, 2019) 3.8.4 (March, 20, 2019) 3.8.3 (March, 6, 2019) 3.8.2 (January, 16, 2019) 3.8.1 (November, 12, 2018) 3.8.0 (November, 02, 2018) 3.7.2 (October, 03, 2018) 3.7.1 (September 14, 2018) 3.7.0 (September 11, 2018) 3.6.6 (August 14, 2018) 3.6.5 (July 7, 2018) 3.6.4 (May 29, 2018) 3.6.3 (May 7, 2018) 3.6.2 (April 2, 2018) 3.6.1 (March 13, 2018) 3.6.0 (February 10, 2018) 3.5.0 (January 25, 2018) 3.4.0 (January 11, 2018) 3.3.7 (December 29, 2017) 3.3.6 (December 13, 2017) 3.3.5 (November 15, 2017) 3.3.4 (November 1, 2017) 3.3.3 (October 10, 2017) 3.3.2 (August 11, 2017) 3.3.1 (July 21, 2017) 3.3.0 (July 17, 2017) 3.2.0 (June 18, 2017) 3.1.1 (June 1, 06, 2017) 3.1.0 (May 29, 05, 2017) 3.0.2 (MAY, 10, 2017) 3.0.1 (April, 18, 2017) 3.0 (April, 12, 2017) Please read our short review of this release here >> 2.4.0 (September 26, 2016) 2.3.1 (August 21, 2016) 2.3.0 (August 15, 2016) 2.2.3 (March 30, 2016) Please read detailed description of release here >> 2.2.2 (November 21, 2015) 2.2.1 (October 22, 2015) 2.2.0 (October 22, 2015) Please read full description of new release here 2.1.0 (July 7, 2015) Please read full description of new release here 2.0.1 2.0 (May 16, 2015) Please read full description of new release here 1.1.1 1.0.1 1.0.0 (March 24, 2015)