User-friendly intuitive interface. Clean design. Flexible functionality. The full-featured WordPress real estate plugin with smooth integration with Elementor Page Builder.
Visit for more information.
demo of Estatik plugin built with Elementor Hello Theme.
Main features:
- Quick Demo Setup
- Fields Builder (creates unlimited number of custom fields of any type - text, number, area, attachments, files, contact fields, etc.)
- Login via Facebook or Google
- Map Search built on AJAX
- Saved searches & wishlists
- Listing frontend management
- Sorting by price, date, popularity
- Customizable categories, types, statuses, features, amenities
- Customizable property labels (featured, hot, openhouse)
- Social sharing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
- Share via email
- Photo gallery and video (YouTube, Vimeo)
- Multilingual (WPML, Polylang & Loco Translate support)
- Request info widget
- Customizable search widget
- Unlimited currencies
- 50+ shortcodes
- Elementor Page Builder & Hello Theme support
PRO & Premium features:
- Agents & Agencies support (PRO)
- Agents & Agencies search (PRO)
- Private fields (for Admin, Agents only) (PRO)
- Front-end management for admin and users/agents (PRO)
- Subscription plans or One-time payments with payments via PayPal (PRO)
- CSV/XLS import via WP ALL Import (PRO)
- Compare feature
- PDF file generation (PRO)
- Saved searches updates notifications (PRO)
- Requests management in agent's profile (PRO)
- Locations widget (PRO)
- Slider widget (PRO)
- Full-width Slideshow widget (PRO)
- Organic MLS import via RETS and RESO Web API (Premium)
Estatik Native Themes:
- Estatik Realtor Theme - DEMO
It also works with most of WordPress themes but if you have any issues, just
drop us a message and we will add support of your theme for free.
Documentation & shortcodes:
Please visit this
documentation page to get a full list of shortcodes.
Full list of shortcodes can be found
Translated into:
- 俄语
- 意大利语
- 西班牙语
- 法语
- German
- Hungarian
- Dutch
- Romanian
- Polish
4.1.9 (February 10, 2024)
- NEW: The ability to edit the number of added items in the user subscription is added. (Pro & Premium)
- NEW: The option to choose the heading tag in the SEO section is added. (All versions)
- NEW: The option to sort by lowest sq ft is added. (All versions)
- NEW: The setting to choose the default phone for the request form is added. (Pro & Premium)
- NEW: New flag icons are added. (Pro & Premium)
- NEW: The new shortcode [es_property_single_map] is added. (All versions)
- NEW: The new shortcode [es_property_single_gallery] is added. (All versions)
- FIXED: The issue with saving subscription settings is fixed. (Pro & Premium)
4.1.8 (November 28, 2024)
- NEW: Additional Currencies added (Pro & Premium)
- NEW: The design of the "Pricing" page updated (Pro & Premium)
- NEW: The Currency settings moved to the Data Manager (All versions)
- NEW: Remote images MLS Import Optimized (Premium)
- NEW: MLS addresses import refactored (Premium)
- FIXED: Resolved the issue with saving duplicate images (All versions)
- FIXED: New translation fields added (All versions)
- FIXED: The conflict with WPML resolved (Pro & Premium)
- FIXED: Contains MLS operator fixed (Premium)
4.1.7 (September 26, 2024)
- NEW: New settings for taxonomies slugs added
- FIXED: Price styles in property PDF fix added
- FIXED: Checkboxes for bulk actions in admin panel fix added (All versions)
- FIXED: MLS logger refactored (Premium)
- FIXED: PHP warnings fixed (ALl versions)
- FIXED: et_builder_is_enabled function conflict fixed
- FIXED: Strict address option for elementor listings widget added
- FIXED: MLS open-house deletion fix added
- FIXED: MLS terms import with alt-label fix added
- FIXED: SABOR mls connection fix added
- FIXED: Minor fixes
4.1.6 (August 12, 2024)
- NEW: Ability to add logical operator to checkboxes added
- NEW: New option 'Open collapsed filters' added
- NEW: Display of 'Rent Period' field has been corrected for agents
- NEW: New field 'Field Description' added
- FIXED: Display of archive page "tags" fixed
- FIXED: Issues with taxonomy pages fixed
- FIXED: Issue with disappearing images in gallery when duplicating fixed
- FIXED: User geolocation in contact form fetching fixed
- FIXED: Pagination on archives has been fixed
- FIXED: The problem with displaying images on mobile devices has been fixed
- FIXED: Problem with loading elementor for shortcode [‘es-property-map’] fixed
4.1.5 (July 04, 2024)
- NEW: Registered agent confirmation functionality added
- NEW: Field "Visible on the front" enhanced
- NEW: Agency creation in subscription agent account added
- NEW: Authors attribute added to shortcode [es_my_listing]
- NEW: Translations creation for properties in agent's account added (only for Polylang)
- NEW: Plugin interaction with Polylang improved
- NEW: Time offset setting for Open House added to MLS
- FIXED: Sorting fixed
- FIXED: Listing filter fixed (Elementor)
- FIXED: List display corrected
- FIXED: Layout saving after screen reboot fixed
4.1.4 (May 22, 2024)
- NEW: Languages with non-Latin alphabets support added (All versions)
- NEW: Location saving functionality for [es_my_listing] shortcode added (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: "Clear all filters" button to expanded filter in mobile version added (All versions)
- NEW: Listing limit notification to agent's profile added (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Polylang and WPML support for custom fields added (All versions)
- NEW: Option to change Subject field for "Saved Search" email added (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Italian language files updated (All versions)
- FIXED: Agent Logout link fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIXED: Automatic data input during authorization fixed (All versions)
- FIXED: Saving address (Google Maps) issue fixed (All versions)
- FIXED: "Call for price" option cancellation upon saving listing fixed (All versions)
- FIXED: Number-type filter values reset functionality improved (All versions)
- FIXED: Bulk selection issue in admin panel fixed (All versions)
- FIXED: Filter functionality for resetting categories fixed (All versions)
- FIXED: MLS URL modification for existing profiles blocked (Premium)
- FIXED: Pause functionality for hidden automatic import fixed (Premium)
- FIXED: WEB API access token regeneration issue fixed (Premium)
4.1.3 (April 08, 2024)
- NEW: Extra price input format in search added.
- NEW: Request form fields order changed.
- NEW: “Homes” to “properties” switched in pagination.
- FIXED: For subscription agents, the functionality for adding and removing listings corrected.
- FIXED: Logic for sorting listings refactored.
- FIXED: “Number” type filter issue fixed.
- FIXED: Agent saving issue fixed.
- FIXED: Agent profile links issue fixed.
- FIXED: The issue with incorrect translations has been fixed.
4.1.2 (March 01, 2024)
- NEW: Added MLS Classes support for raprets MLS Provider
- NEW: MLS Actualizer refactored
- NEW: MLS Automatic import refactored
- NEW: Added collapsed description option for agent & agency single page
- NEW: Neighborhoods added in Data Manager
- NEW: WP All Import property keywords generation added
- NEW: Plugin DB migration refactored
- FIXED: Duplicated taxonomies in admin property form fix added
- FIXED: MLS multiple values saving fix added
- FIXED: MLS Grid requests issue fix added
- FIXED: Optimized locations saving
- FIXED: Switcher field in search form fix added
- FIXED: Minor fixes
4.1.1 (December 13, 2023)
- NEW: MLS media re-import implemented.
- NEW: MLS entity popup upgraded.
- NEW: MLS Actualizer new hooks added.
- NEW: Added option for disable property carousel.
- NEW: Implemented MLS import for dropdown, checkboxes fields types.
- NEW: Added url slugs for plugin taxonomies.
- NEW: Added recaptcha for Login and Reset password forms.
- NEW: Added map_show="all" attribute for es_my_listing shortcode with half map layout.
- NEW: Added option for change Open House time format.
- NEW: Implemented values converter for 0,1 MLS values.
- NEW: Implemented new MLS operator From -> To.
- NEW: New "link" FB field type added.
- NEW: Plugin security upgraded.
- NEW: Added scripts & styles versions in enqueue\register functions.
- FIXED: MLS import entities count fix added.
- FIXED: Twitter icon changed to X.
- FIXED: Lookup values retrieving fix added for Web API.
- FIXED: Google Auth fix added.
- FIXED: Search form labels fixed.
- FIXED: Fixed property images in saved searches email.
- FIXED: Plugin translations added dictionaries.
- FIXED: Listings alax loading animation fix added.
- FIXED: Property addresses saving fix added.
- FIXED: Show more link fixed for Features section on single property page.
- FIXED: Reset search button fix added.
- FIXED: MLS sync not_equal operator fixed.
- FIXED: Request notes fix added.
- FIXED: Agent avatar fixed.
- FIXED: Social sharing option switcher fix added.
- FIXED: No min, No max labels translation fix added.
- FIXED: FB fields & sections saving fix added.
- FIXED: Floor plans render fix added.
- FIXED: Multiple estatik elementor widgets saving fix added.
- FIXED: Minor fixes
4.1.0 (September 03, 2023)
NEW: MLS import & sync refactored.
NEW: Property meta icons refactored.
NEW: Log out link added on user profile page for mobile devices.
NEW: Added new email settings fields.
NEW: MLS Realtyserver autoconfig added.
NEW: Added search support for es_parking, es_roof etc fields.
NEW: strict_address param added for es_my_listing shortcode.
NEW: Back button on compare page css fix added.
NEW: RTL support added for all of slick sliders.
NEW: Option for disable geolocation of request form added.
NEW: Auto assign agent to agency implemented for MLS Import.
NEW: Added zoom level option for single property page map.
NEW: Polylang integrated for breadcrumbs links on single property page.
NEW: Reset search button refactored.
FIXED: es_get_contact_link function php warning fixed.
FIXED: Paragonapi WebApi autoconfig added.
FIXED: Map zoom saving fix added.
FIXED: Predefined values for search form fix added.
FIXED: Tel field php warning fixed.
FIXED: Buyers migration fix added.
FIXED: Plugin migration fix added.
FIXED: Unlimited subscription plans fix added.
FIXED: Appointments deletion fix added.
FIXED: Subscription plans ID generation fix added.
FIXED: Field builder fixes added.
FIXED: Fixed plugin emails fatal error.
FIXED: Data manager fixes added.
FIXED: Subscription labels fixes added.
FIXED: Properties slider fixes added.
FIXED: Responsive fixed for single property page.
FIXED: Recaptcha fix added.
FIXED: Slick slider in flexbox container fix added.
FIXED: Added video field import support for WP All Import plugin.
FIXED: Map popup fix added.
FIXED: Price format fix added.
FIXED: MLS import video fix added.
FIXED: Fixed location fields in search form.
FIXED: Minor fixes
4.0.7 (June 24, 2023)
NEW: Pure autoconfig for MLSAligned, harmls MLS provider added
NEW: FB support for video section in single property added
NEW: Appsecret_proof for facebook auth added
NEW: Default archive page disable option added
NEW: Request form default message deleted
NEW: Google fonts cache optimized
NEW: mls_resource and mls_class attributes to es_my_listing shortcode added
NEW: Translation support for multiple values in FB added
NEW: Drop-down fields placeholder to search form added
NEW: Currency code display support added
NEW: Meta icons loading in property box optimized
NEW: Import limits in MLS schedules added
NEW: Sorting by labels implemented
NEW: Search form autocomplete support for listings addresses added
NEW: Switcher field values changed to Yes / No
NEW: Neighborhood field in property management added
NEW: WP All Import address components generation added
NEW: White label for admin plugin area improved
NEW: [es_property_map] shortcode added
NEW: HTML editor field in FB added
FIXED: Search from Select2 fields CSS + JS fix added
FIXED: Compare listings container fix added.
FIXED: Property video section CSS sizes fixed
FIXED: URL field type fixed.
FIXED: Listings duplication for crea ddf preventive fix added
FIXED: Agents order in Request form fixed
FIXED: es_the_formatted_field $before, $after variables for empty value fixed
FIXED: ReCaptcha for AJAX request forms fixed
FIXED: JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE to json_encode for address components added
FIXED: Properties removal actualizer fixed
FIXED: Search form range fields fixed
FIXED: Taxonomy archive title fixed
FIXED: Comma separation for ‘city’ values in es_my_listing shortcode fixed
FIXED: Price variation in search form fixed
FIXED: Property sections translation bug fixed
FIXED: Scroll top animation after using pagination - fixed
FIXED: Profile single request info page fixed
FIXED: es_get_agents_list function allowed memory size error fixed
FIXED: Incorrect MLS credentials fatal error fixed
FIXED: Contacts field fatal error fixed
FIXED: Data Manager Icon uploader bug fixed
FIXED: Polylang migration fatal error fixed
FIXED: Locations breadcrumbs bug fixed
FIXED: Migration progress bar fixed
4.0.6 (April 17, 2023)
NEW: appsecret_proof argument added for Facebook auth.
NEW: MLS mlsaligned provider integrated.
NEW: Fields builder request form section message setting added.
NEW: Reset option for MLS sync fields added.
NEW: City field set as multiple in estatik search widget.
NEW: Tags field support added for listings shortcode.
NEW: Range mode for custom numeric fb fields implemented.
NEW: Added bulk actions for admin requests archive.
FIXED: Select2 for elementor popups fix added.
FIXED: Properties carousel vertical layout fixed.
FIXED: Search widget locations fields fix added for elementor popups.
FIXED: Fields builder fields deletion fix added for PDF brochure.
FIXED: Duplicated machine name for fb fields & sections fix added.
FIXED: Agent tel saving fix added.
FIXED: Status field for properties map fix added.
FIXED: Property SVG icon color fixed.
FIXED: FB fields translations fix added.
FIXED: Admin properties archive pagination fixed.
FIXED: User profile avatar fixed.
FIXED: Agent description css fix added.
FIXED: Rooms functionality fixes added.
FIXED: Admin widgets broken page fixed.
FIXED: Property file fields saving fix added.
4.0.5 (February 25, 2023)
NEW: Title field for MLS Profiles added.
NEW: Option for disable saved search functionality added.
NEW: New settings tab for manage user profile added.
NEW: MLS Web API classes added.
NEW: Raprets MLS provider media support added.
NEW: Plugin fonts uploading fixed.
NEW: file_get_contents function for retrieve SVG content deleted.
NEW: prop_id attribute added for [es_my_listing shortcode]
NEW: Multiple support for select2 fields in estatik framework added.
NEW: No min, No max labels changed to min,max in search form.
NEW: es_before_single_wrapper, es_after_single_wrapper actions for estatik single templates added
NEW: Full width field setting in fields builder form added.
NEW: Deletion of child automatic imports implemented.
NEW: MLSGrid v2 provider autoconfig added.
FIXED: German translations modified.
FIXED: Property management form buttons css fix added.
FIXED: CSS fix for MLS password field added.
FIXED: Agent & agencies enabler switcher fix added.
FIXED: Elementor listings widget filter fix added.
FIXED: Fields builder translations fix added.
FIXED: Fixed fields builder special characters for machine_name.
FIXED: file_type warning fix added.
FIXED: Property mobile gallery css fix added.
FIXED: Login form prefilled fields submit button fix added.
FIXED: Search php warning fix added.
FIXED: Fixed price field formatter.
FIXED: Incorrect top margin in property gallery lightbox removed.
FIXED: Fixed search form selected values labels.
FIXED: Duplicated label for phone field deleted.
FIXED: Openhouse fields FB fix added
4.0.4 (January 27, 2023)
NEW: Added new option for disable tel country code field.
NEW: Added new attribute named "default" in [es_property_field] shortcode for empty property fields.
NEW: Implemented agents registration confirmation email.
NEW: Set dynamic content disabled by default.
NEW: Deleted formatters for bathrooms, bedrooms fields on single property page.
NEW: Added new plugin translations.
NEW: Added new settings for manage PDF fields in Fields Builder.
FIXED: Fixed images uploading via front property management.
FIXED: Property management agent assignment fix added.
FIXED: Fixed search fields order in Elementor search form widget.
FIXED: Google maps callback error fix added.
FIXED: Fixed property quick edit form agents saving.
FIXED: Fixed comments saving PHP warning.
FIXED: Fixed deactivated sections render.
FIXED: Fixed breadcrumbs locations order.
FIXED: Fixed property price spaces.
FIXED: Fixed duplicated HTML input IDs in DOM.
FIXED: Recaptcha fix added.
FIXED: Fixed slick slider initializing for property boxes.
FIXED: Fixed search widget location fields loading for non authorised users.
FIXED: Fixed MLS automatic import table render
4.0.3 (December 25, 2022)
FIXED: Captcha issues fixed
FIXED: FB tab fields issues fixed
FIXED: single property pages mobile layout fixed
FIXED: MLS ID display bug fixed
FIXED: translation for sorting fixed
Minor fixes
4.0.2 (December, 11, 2022)
FIXED: Lazy load for carousel images added
FIXED: Google fonts GDPR issue fixed
FIXED: Request Info form (subject and from email issue fixed)
FIXED: SEO issues fixed
FIXED: Responsive js refactored
4.0.0 & 4.0.1 (November, 15, 2022)
This major release contains significant code changes! Make sure you have a backup before upgrade and follow our Migration instructions
NEW: Front-and back-end interface design updated (all versions)
NEW: Agencies support added (PRO & Premium)
NEW: One-time payments added (PRO)
NEW: Compare feature added (PRO & Premium)
NEW: Buyer's & agent's profiles upgraded (PRO & Premium)
NEW: Requests to profile added (PRO & Premium)
NEW: AJAX map search added (all versions)
NEW: Fields Builder considerably improved (all versions)
NEW: Data Manager improved and extended (all versions)
NEW: WP ALL Import support added (all versions)
NEW: New widgets added: agencies, locations, slideshow widget (PRO & Premium)
NEW: Share via email added (all versions)
NEW: Elementor Support improved (all versions)
Loads of minor fixes and improvements
3.11.14 (July, 27, 2022)
FIX: PDF issue fixed (All versions)
FIX: php warnings fixed (PRO & Premium)
3.11.13 (July, 21, 2022)
NEW: MLS provider support added (Premium)
NEW: PDF library upgraded (PRO & Premium)
FIX: Elementor deprecated _register_controls method fixed (All versions)
FIX: Elementor single property page render issue fixed (All versions)
FIX: MLS actualizer execute action fixed (Premium)
FIX: MLS provider date DMQL2 query fixed (Premium)
FIX: actualizer queue generation fixed (Premium)
FIX: properties wp query for location fields of saved search fixed (PRO & Premium)
FIX: CSS fix for CSV fields added (PRO & Premium)
FIX: subscriptions price field step issue fixed (PRO & Premium)
FIX: fix for subscription expired email content field added (PRO & Premium)
FIX: featured subscriptions payment fix added (PRO & Premium)
FIX: subscriptions fix for empty total_trial_cycles field added (PRO & Premium)
3.11.12 (May, 31, 2022)
NEW: Media support for reso provider added
NEW: Images retrieving for CRMLS WEB API provider implemented
NEW: Added error message in manual import
NEW: Order sort for MLS WEB API images added
FIX: Duplicated images for CRMLS MLS provider fixed
FIX: MLS images import fix post_parent
FIX: Media attach parent post fixed
FIX: Area field type step fixed
FIX: Saved search update period action fixed
FIX: Attachments post parent fixed
FIX: Saved homes listings layout fixed
3.11.11 (February, 14, 2022)
FIX: Gallery in property PDF fixed (all versions)
FIX: Slideshow widget styles in Elementor fixed (all versions)
FIX: mls_class and mls_resource attributes added to es_my_listing shortcode (Premium)
FIX: MLS Realty server rets dmql2 query fixed (Premium)
FIX: build_fields_array class method set as public (Premium)
FIX: MLS media import for mls grid v2 implemented (Premium)
3.11.10 (January 28, 2022)
FIX: Magnific popup arrows fixed (all versions)
FIX: Search form fixed for numeric fields (all versions)
FIX: Listings archive responsive issues fixed
FIX: Delete duplicates functionality implemented on property import action (Premium)
FIX: IN query operator implemented for Trestle web API (Premium)
3.11.9 (January 11, 2022)
- NEW: Pre-defined search form values as comma-separated feature added (all versions)
- NEW: CSV Import support added for Post Content field (Premium)
- FIX: Сropping photos in gallery fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Slick slider in gallery fixed (all versions)
- FIX: PDF light fonts fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Lot_size & area units search widget fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Featured image on single property page for Divi theme disabled (all versions)
- FIX: Listings query for Fields Builder select fields fixed (all versions)
3.11.8 (December 2, 2021)
- Elementor compatibility issue fixed
- Address generation bug in front-end management fixed
3.11.7 (November 24, 2021)
- FIX: Thumb images issue on single property page fixed (all versions)
- Links issue in New Listing added email from agent fixed (PRO & Premium)
- minor fixes
3.11.6 (November 4, 2021)
- NEW: Filter for meta search query added (all versions)
- NEW: Search query optimized (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Room title field added for RETS (Premium)
- FIX: Map sql filter fixed (single property URL issue) (all versions)
- FIX: Google + field from pluin settings deleted (all versions)
- FIX: WP filter before search field render added (all versions)
- FIX: DIVI conflict - header/footer broken fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Property gallery issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Markup for custom fields on single property page fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Yoast SEO conflict fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Listings with specified IDs in slideshow fixed (all versions)
- FIX: DIVI builder support fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Request form js context added (all versions)
- FIX: Slick slider fixed (Simple & Premium)
- FIX: Agent's name display issue in Saved Searches fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Property management layout conflict with Gutenberg fixed (PRO & Premiium)
- other fixes
3.11.4 (September 13, 2021)
- NEW: Lightbox On/Off option to Settings added (Elementor builder conflict fixed) (all versions)
- NEW: Single property photo gallery shortcode added [es_property_gallery property_id=''property ID''] (all versions)
- NEW: Support for comma-separated values to address type fields added (all versions)
- NEW: Property management template override option in child theme added
- NEW: Optimized the sql query for map (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Agent's name display issue in Saved Search fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Shorcode [es_my_listing sort=''recent''] fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Favorite listings fixed in My profile (PRO & Premium)
3.11.3 (August 6, 2021)
- FIX: The order of search fields issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Deleted Field range mode buttons in Fields Builder (all versions)
- FIX: Profile conflict with Divi theme fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: The field that should be visible only for admin fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Property box bug settings fixed (PRO&Premium)
- FIX: Added an error handler for MLS Connect action (PREMIUM)
- FIX: Map cluster icon bug fixed (PRO & Premium)
- minor fixes
3.11.2 (July, 17, 2021)
- FIX: Deletion currencies in Data Manager fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Icons in a listing box fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Removed "Neighborhood" tab when "Hide map on Single Page" button is on (all versions)
- FIX: Empty map section in single property page fixed (all versions)
- FIX: CSV Import issue fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Save search issue fixed (PRO & Premium)
- minor fixes
3.11.1 (June 18, 2021)
- FIX: Display of address components via es_property_field shortcode fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Login form fields markup fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Beds, baths translation strings fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Video tab bug fixed (all versions)
- minor fixes
3.11.0 (June 9, 2021)
- NEW: Pre-defined fields option in search form shortcode added (all versions)
- NEW: Login via social media Google/Facebook added (all versions)
- NEW: Label custom colors added (all versions)
- NEW: Option to display custom fields & icons in property boxes added (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: CSV import format modified (images separation by comma added) (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: HTML field type in FB added (all versions)
- FIX: Link "Set filter fields" in MLS Import fixed (Premium)
- FIX: !important from title style of any widget removed (all versions)
- FIX: "Saved searches" feature fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Elementor widgets style tab added (all features)
- FIX: Excluded es_get_default_thumbnail_id function from plugin (all versions)
- FIX: Search shortcode issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Estatik Search widget fields order in Elementor fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Maps issue with address components for UK, Spain fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Select2 selected options width fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Default fields deletion process from front-end management fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: minor fixes
3.10.4 (April, 27, 2021)
- NEW: Option to disable automatic deletion of images when deleting listings (Simple & PRO)
- NEW: Option "Show labels" in Slideshow widget and shortcode added (all versions)
- NEW: Option "Disable image url validation" to check validity of images URLs from MLS added (Premium)
- NEW: Integration with Spark API for images import added (Premium)
- NEW: Auto-suggest option to Synchronization added (Premium)
- FIX: Registration form issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: French and Dutch translation issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: PDF issue fixed (PRO & Premium versions)
- FIX: Agent issue in My Profile fixed (PRO & Premium versions)
3.10.3 (April, 1, 2021)
- NEW: Disable map option in PDF settings added (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Bridge MLS media support added (Premium)
- FIX: Equal/Not equal operators issue fixed (Premium)
- FIX: Listing editing in My Profile fixed (PRO & Premium)
3.10.2 (March 25, 2021)
- NEW: “Equal/Not equal” added in MLS schedule (Premium)
- NEW: Search page id parameter in the Elementor search widget added (all versions)
- NEW: Shortcode to display listings for specific MLS accounts added (Premium)
- NEW: Shortcode to show specific listings by a title added (all version)
- NEW: Queue Limit Field in Synchronization added (Premium)
- NEW: Subscription duration in Paypal Subscription added (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: URL to Support Area in Estatik Dashboard added (all versions)
- FIX: Description issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Address issue when map icon moved fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Shortcode for displaying listings with labels fixed (all versions)
- FIX: CREA DDF synchronizer issue fixed (Premium)
- FIX: Profile name before flash messages added (Premium)
- FIX: Single property shortcode render for Avada theme & Fusion Page Builder fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Estatik Slideshow widget issue fixed (all versions)
3.10.1 (February, 25, 2021)
- FIX: Description box editor bug fixed (All versions)
- FIX: Taxonomy terms duplications on property edit page fixed (Premium)
- minor fixes
3.10.0 (February, 19, 2021)
- NEW: Elementor Page Builder and Theme support added (all versions)
Learn more >>
- NEW: Filter 'Exclude fields' to Manual/Automatic import added (Premium)
- NEW: Option "Skip properties without images" in Settings added (Premium)
- FIX: Images import fix added (Premium)
- FIX: Bulleted list in custom fields fixed (all versions)
- minor fixes
3.9.10 (January, 22, 2021)
- NEW: Box-sizing issue fixed (border-box to plugin buttons es-btn added) (all versions)
- NEW: Year built, post added, post updated fields to the search widget added (all versions)
- FIX: Select2 dropdown position fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Duplicated listings issue after search fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Executed column Reset issue fixed (Premium)
- FIX: Request form email headers fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Custom fields removal from Search issue fixed (all versions)
- minor fixes
3.9.9. (December, 25, 2020)
- NEW: Option to switch on/off email notifications when property added by agent added
- NEW: Filter es_mls_get_entity_importer to adjust import of listings without images (Premium)
- NEW: Extra field for Google Map API key with server IP restriction added (Premium)
- FIX: Warning about empty required field fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Asterisk to required fields added (all versions)
- FIX: Data manager issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Issue with saving values in search widget select2 fields fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Plugin profile layout issue on "Twenty Twenty" theme fixed (all versions)
- FIX: List/grid layout in General settings fixed (all versions)
- FIX: The 'x' in map popup window fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Filterable field checkbox issue in Fields Configurations fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Queue generation issue fixed (Premium)
- FIX: Duplicate error notifications fixed (Premium)
- Other minor fixes
3.9.8 (October 29, 2020)
- NEW: media.php template override option added (all versions)
- NEW: Hide map option in Settings added (all versions)
- NEW: Province address component in Data Manager added (all versions)
- NEW: Details to Automatic import under Executed Items added (Premium version)
- FIX: Show filter issue in Estatik Shortcode Builder fixed
- FIX: Jquery hash link warning (all versions)
- FIX: Mobile responsive layout for Slideshow fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Map Cluster icon 404 error fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Adding listing in profile issue is fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: “Nothing to import” issue in manual import fixed (Premium)
- FIX: Actualizer delete entities unused action deleted (Premium)
- FIX: PHRETS XML parser fixed (Premium)
- FIX: Actualizer query limit upgraded to 2000 items (Premium)
- minor fixes
3.9.7 (September 10, 2020)
- NEW: WordPress 5.5.1 support added (all versions)
- NEW: option to override plugin templates via child theme added (all versions)
- NEW: warning popup message added when deleting RETS profile (Premium)
- NEW: map marker popup for multiple listings (units) with same lat & long implemented (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Web API support added (Premium)
- NEW: updates queue details & reset options in Synchronization added (Premium)
- NEW: extra import tools added (pause, editing, one-time import) (Premium)
- NEW: Debug mode added (Premium)
- NEW: date selection for updates check added (Premium)
- NEW: extra filters for synchronization added (Premium)
- FIX: wp_mail FROM parameter for Request Form widget fixed (all versions)
- FIX: wp_make_content_images_responsive fix added (all versions)
- FIX: delete icon display glitch in Data Manager - Labels - Featured fixed (all versions)
- FIX: tags generation in description fixed (all versions)
- FIX: PDF flyer bug for PHP 7 fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: CSS class for html body in Agents (admin area) fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: address skipping in RETS synchronizer fixed (Premium)
- FIX: MLS properties cache issue fixed (Premium)
- Other minor fixes
3.9.6 (June 10, 2020)
- NEW: REST support on/off option added (all versions)
- FIX: tmp phrets files creation fixed (Premium)
- FIX: Paddings in Accesspress tabs fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Tags issue fixed (PRO&Premium)
- FIX: Google address geocoding request URL fixed (PRO&Premium)
- FIX: Estatik Search widget issue fixed (PRO&Premium)
- minor fixes
3.9.5 (May 12, 2020)
- NEW: Auto tags feature implemented (all versions)
- NEW: Dynamic content feature added (all versions)
- NEW: Custom google maps listing popup (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: MLS date field fixed (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: View first filter fixed - “Most popular” changed to ”Featured” (all versions)
- FIX: Dropdown lists in Shortcode Builder fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Footer on the first page of the pdf file fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: “Combine CSS File” is not broken layout in the SG Optimizer
- FIX: “Choose value” in the search form fields fixed (all versions)
- FIX: “Estatik Search” widget issue fixed (all versions)
- minor fixes (March 31, 2020)
- FIX: Custom FB fields search issue fixed
3.9.4 (March 31, 2020)
- NEW: FB Select Type field values auto-import implemented (Premium)
- NEW: Yes/No Disable sticky property top bar option added
- NEW: New attributes for es_my_listing shortcode added: bathrooms, bedrooms, bathrooms_min, bathrooms_max, bedrooms_min, bedrooms_max, lot_size_min, lot_size_max, area_min, area_max, price_min, price_max, area, lot_size
- UPDATE: Upgraded plugin update library to 4.9 ver.
- FIX: Disable editor auto paragraph issue fixed
- FIX: Editor auto paragraph disabled by default
- FIX: PDF issue fixed
- FIX: Agent username issue fixed
- FIX: reCAPTCHA issue fixed
- FIX: Map markers issue fixed
- FIX: RETS images import with no file extension fixed (Premium)
- minor fixes
3.9.3 (February, 16, 2020)
- NEW: Shortcode [es_my_listing sort="oldest"] (all versions)
- NEW: Area shortcodes (all versions)
- NEW: PDF settings (excerpt display added)
- FIX: Request form bugs fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Conflicts with other plugins fixed (all versions)
- FIX: PDF layout & language issues fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Duplicated parsed query for admin listings page removed (all versions)
- FIX: Fixed errors in language files (all versions)
- FIX: Login popup issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Problem with Quotes\Slashes in Fields Builder Select Field & Property Search fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Fixed subscriptions table access permissions (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: New field name issue fixed (Premium)
- FIX: Invalid RETS Version check added (Premium)
- FIX: Field type check added (PRO)
- minor fixes
3.9.2 (November, 6, 2019)
- Request form sending issue fixed
- Duplicated Terms of use checkbox texts removed
3.9.1 (November, 1, 2019)
- NEW: Fields reorder feature to frontend management added (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Agents rating on/off option added (PRO)
- NEW: German language files edited
- NEW: Labels Show/hide option on single property page added (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Inode usage - phrets files deletion from server (Premium)
- FIX: Post SMTP compatibility fixed
- FIX: Wishlist items removal fixed
- FIX: Bullet list issue fixed
- FIX: Texts in MLS RETS Import fixed
- FIX: Section order issue in Field Builder fixed
- FIX: Notifications display in admin area fixed
- FIX: html editor issues (list bullets) in description property field fixed
- minor fixes
3.9.0 (August, 10, 2019)
- NEW: reCaptcha v3 support added
- NEW: admin settings tabs layout improved
- NEW: shortcode [es_my_listing_rets_class="name"] added (Premium)
- NEW: new shortcode [es_cron_last_executed_date] added (Premium)
- UPDATED: slick slider script updated
- FIXED: listings removal when agent is deleted issue fixed
- FIXED: Call for price query fixed (Premium)
- FIXED: frontend management pagination issue fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIXED: Request form widget bugs fixed
- FIXED: empty fields in saved searches display fixed
- minor fixes
3.8.9 (July, 29, 2019)
- FB fields & sections saving bug fixed
- Added locate functions for Slideshow widget
- Added filter for locate template function
- filter names for admin pages urls fixed
- minor fixes
3.8.8 (July, 10, 2019)
- NEW: Custom email field to Request widget added (all versions)
- NEW: Drag & drop Google Maps marker in admin area added (all versions)
- NEW: new Estatik Realtor Theme support added (all versions)
- NEW: Social fields and icons added to agent profile (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Property title & image became clickable on map popup windows (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Removal option for extra area dimensions in search widget added (all versions)
- FIX: Search widget taxonomy translation function added (all versions)
- FIX: Field sections order issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Duplicated db queries fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Text shift issue on full-width single property layout fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Padding issue on agent profile fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Text shift issue on listings responsive layouts fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Placeholder color issue in search widget fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Request form sending without message entered issue fixed (all versions)
- FIX: Pagination issue in My profile fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Custom Date type field frontend format fixed (PRO & Premium)
- FIX: Map popup markup fixed (PRO & Premium)
- minor fixes (May, 17, 2019)
- lot & area size fields dimensions fixed
3.8.7 (May, 17, 2019)
- Sections layout fixed in FB
- Demo listings import fixed
- Agent pwd reset procedure fixed (PRO &Premium)
- Front-end management tabs fixed (PRO &Premium)
- New limit parameter added to shortcode [es_my_listing] (PRO &Premium)
- Map popup fixed
- minor fixes
3.8.6 (April, 25, 2019)
- Slideshow widget bugs fixed
- Hiding for default fields in FB fixed
- Fixed responsive layout for listings list.
- Taxonomies in frontend submission fixed
- Adaptive height of images in single property gallery fixed
- Property management form with required fields submit fixed
3.8.5 (April, 16, 2019)
- Price range parameter to Slideshow widget added
- Map markers zoom issue fixed
- PHP 7.2 compatibility fixed
- Sorting on search results pages fixed
- Search widget conflict with Elementor builder solved
- Security fixes
- Some optimization fixes
- PDF flyer feature upgraded (PRO & Premium)
- Mulitple fields drag & drop feature added (PRO & Premium)
- Option to assign multilple listings to Agent added (PRO & Premium)
- Reset option for Updated/Deleted listings added (Premium)
- Updated listings logs in a popup added (Premium)
- Total # of listings in Manual import added (Premium)
- Filter by price range added (Premium)
- Fixed property empty fields saving
- minor fixes
3.8.4 (March, 20, 2019)
- Security fixes
- Removed templates for estatik taxonomies. Created taxonomy.php as base template for each estatik taxonomy.
- Fixed Single property gallery dimensions.
- minor fixes
3.8.3 (March, 6, 2019)
- New Estatik Portal Theme support added
- Added price range selection to Slideshow widget & shortcode
- Added custom field parameter to [es_my_listing] shortcode
- To top link fixed
- Map widget height parameter fixed (PRO)
- Custom field in PDF brochure display fixed (PRO)
- Min - max price parameters in search fixed
- Agent profile image upload fixed (PRO)
- Sharing feature with Gutenberg conflict fixed
- Added agent id csv import support (PRO)
- Subscriptions Fix (PRO)
- Sort by price optimized
- wpautop configured for properties post type.
- Fixed property archive item markup
- minor fixes
3.8.2 (January, 16, 2019)
- Private field/section added (available for Admin & Agents only)
- Address shortcodes fixed
- Estatik global js var localized for plugin js files
- Pagination GET argument fixed
- Fixed [es_single] shortcode execute condition for single property page
- Company attribute added to es_agents shortcode (PRO & Premium)
- Images upload via frontend issue fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Fields Configuration UI modified (Premium)
- Disclaimer saving fixed (Premium)
- Loopback fix
- Added dompdf encoding
- Reset pwd link fixed
- Price format bug fixed
- minor fixes
3.8.1 (November, 12, 2018)
- Google Maps marker fix
- Buyer login fixed
- Shortcode Builder with Elementor builder integrated
- Request form bug fixed
- Shortcode Builder icon from frontend management removed (PRO & Premium)
- Contact agent tab fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Sanitize functions added
- Agent image import fixed (Premium)
- Added ability to import agent images via media resource (Premium)
- Added new hooks for address components classes
- Fixed google maps markers that uses labels taxonomy
- Fixed wishlist based on cookies (uses for unauthorized users)
- is_post_type_archive() func call fix
- Login redirects fixed
- minor fixes
3.8.0 (November, 02, 2018)
- Shortcode builder added
- Google geocoding function fixed
- White label redirection fixed
- Map clusters feature added (PRO & Premium)
- Bug with Select multiselect type field fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Bug with Buyers removal when White label enabled fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Bug in Saved search Price field fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Excerpt in frontend management added (PRO & Premium)
- Contact agent tab bug fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Subscription table fixed (PRO)
- MLS # field fixed (Premium)
- Disclaimer settings added (Premium)
- minor fixes
3.7.2 (October, 03, 2018)
- Excluded Google maps geolocation library
- Address components DM fix
- Added single page class instance as global variable
- Property Image counter notice fix
- Enabled wishlist feature by default
- Fixed widget display type notice
- User login fix
- Fixed main theme color for plugin buttons
- minor fixes
3.7.1 (September 14, 2018)
- Bug with featured image fixed
- Option to disable wishlist added
- Search fields selected option error fixed
- Plugin color settings fixed
- Saved search feature saving process fix added
- minor fixes
3.7.0 (September 11, 2018)
- NEW: Wishlist added (Add to favourite)
- NEW: Saved searches added
- NEW: User profiles added
- NEW: Ligthbox for main image added
- NEW: Slideshow widget added & shortcode added
- NEW: Fields Builder unlocked for free version
- NEW: Labels editing in Data Manager added
- NEW: Remove option for featured image added
- NEW: Agents profiles added (PRO & Premium)
- NEW: Emails notifications about matching searches added (PRO & Premium)
- Fix: Multiselect feature for Select type in FB added
- Fix: Integrated WP HTTP Api instead of file_get_contents function
- Fix: Address import fix (Premium)
3.6.6 (August 14, 2018)
- Images q-ty to listings added (admin area)
- Bug with File type in FB fixed
- Save Settings bug fixed
- Multiselect feature for ShelterZoom category field added (PRO & Premium)
- Fixed image size for fb sharing
- Images import via URLs (for Matrix system) (Premium)
- Filter by MLS # in admin panel added (Premium)
- Added Deleted value column in Synchronization panel (Premium)
- minor fixes
3.6.5 (July 7, 2018)
- Fields Builder perfomance optimized
- Empty search results for shortcodes with es_city, es_country & es_my_listings address fixed
- Fixed render of FB fields with the same names
- Option to remove Cities in Data Manager added
- Custom Date type field bug fixed
- Price format fixes
- Synchronizator fixes (Premium)
- Duplicated RETS images prefix fix (Premium)
- other fixes
3.6.4 (May 29, 2018)
- GDPR compliance implemented (Checkboxes to Request and Register forms added)
- New Agent Permissions added (PRO)
- View values listing popoup bug fixed (Premium)
- Rooms config implemented (Premium)
- MLS Update Date field fix (Premium)
- other fixes.
3.6.3 (May 7, 2018)
- Thumb images in gallery centering fixed
- html entities into wp_editor on front-end management decoded (PRO & Premium)
- PDF issue fixed
- Area and lot size fields steps fixed
- Edit property link added to admin bar
Added option to override templates in child theme:
- estatik/property/tabs.php
- estatik/property/share.php
- estatik/content-single.php
- estatik/archive-properties.php
- estatik/content-archive.php
- estatik/shortcodes/register.php
- Bug with custom fields assignment in FB (PRO & Premium)
- Fixed issue with images import duplication (Premium)
- Entitiy RETS data popup implemented (Premium)
- Title import fixed (Premium)
- Fields order in Config fixed (Premium)
- Bug with custom fields and sections display n frontend management fixed (PRO and Premium)
- Fixed template for es_feature taxonomy
3.6.2 (April 2, 2018)
- Images style and size fixes
- Map popup fix
- Search price fix
- Multiselect for filterable fields in Import/update settings added (Premium)
- RETS profile active now sign added (Premium)
- Filter by RETS user in Listings in admin area added (Premium)
- FB sections to admin area added (Premium)
- Map view optimization (Premium)
- Bulk removal for import/update schedules added (Premium)
- Google Address validation option added (Premium)
- Map view optimization (PRO and Premium)
- other fixes
3.6.1 (March 13, 2018)
- Front management css styles for attachment fields fixed
- Attachment link removal for the es_prop_management shortcode fixed
- Fixed uploading files process for FB fields on front management page
- Grecaptcha log error fixed. Request form duplicated emails issue fixed
- Added extra step 0.01 to number field type in FB
- Dismiss option for admin messages added
- Big size image for center single property layout added
- other fixes
3.6.0 (February 10, 2018)
- Responive layout for es_search_form shortcode fixed
- Dimensions & Currencies removal option deleted
- Added option for restore basic fields in FB
- Added color settings fix to support new Estatik Project theme
- ShelterZoom widget support added (PRO & Premium)
- Agent drop-down bug fixed in search form (PRO & Premium)
- minor fixes
3.5.0 (January 25, 2018)
- New feature - Color settings added
- Extra price format is added (99,999)
- Pagination fixed (PRO)
- White label added (PRO & Premium)
- Share buttons fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Map view on single property page fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Zoom option added (PRO & Premium)
3.4.0 (January 11, 2018)
- Search by multicategories issue fixed
- New shortcode for search results page added - [es_search]
- Zoom in/out optionfor map view added (PRO & Premium)
- New map search feature added - [es_search_map] (PRO & Premium)
- Settings tabs fixed in frontend management (PRO & Premium)
- Subscription success page fixed (PRO & Premium)
- Synchronizer bugs fixes (Premium)
- Lookup fields in synchronizer fixes (Premium)
- other fixes
3.3.7 (December 29, 2017)
- Demo listings and pages setup added
- Request form widget added to Simple
- Hide option for Name and Phone fields in Request widget added
- Email text edit option in Request form added
- other fixes
3.3.6 (December 13, 2017)
- Search by price bug fixed
- Bug with fields removal fixed
- New shortcode for single property page added [es_single id='ID']
- Language files updated
- Changed labels for dimensions
- Added fix for AccessPress Lite theme support
- Property q-ty field autogeneration (PRO & Premium)
- Fixed date added sorting
- Empty sections fixed
- minor fixes
3.3.5 (November 15, 2017)
- AJAX address search with auto-suggest feature implemented
- Conflict with SiteOringin builder fixed
- PayPal pwd field type changed
- New Price note field added
- Option to remove default fields added
- reCaptcha added Register form (PRO & Premium version)
- Add new field in frontend management bug fixed (PRO & Premium version)
- Profiles added for multiple RETS accounts (Premium version)
- minor fixes
3.3.4 (November 1, 2017)
- Publish/Unpublish agents fix
- Characters issue in PDF fixed
- Order issue in Fields Builder fixed
- Address removal fix for listings deleted
- Search by price issue fixed
- reCAPTCHA integrated
- CSV import issues fixed
- Listings images removal for listings deleted
- Reset button in search fixed
- SiteOrigin builder conflict resolved
- minor fixes
3.3.3 (October 10, 2017)
- Fields builder bug with repeated fields fixed
- Scroll bar to drop-down fields in search added
- Images repeatition bug in lightbox gallery fixed
- Description text output in list view added
- Romanian language files added
3.3.2 (August 11, 2017)
- Allignment issue with fields in frontend fixed
- some minor fixes
3.3.1 (July 21, 2017)
3.3.0 (July 17, 2017)
- Fields builder added
- Currency manager added
- Search shortcode added [es_search]
- hu_HU language translation files added
- PDF brochure with Logo upload option updated (PRO)
- other minor fixes
3.2.0 (June 18, 2017)
- WPML support added
- New currencies (Rp, AED, ZAR) added
- Drag & drop feature for new fields added (PRO & Premium)
- Powered by link fixed
- Remove icons in listings if empty values
- minor fixes
3.1.1 (June 1, 06, 2017)
- Shortcodes fixed and WordPress 4.7.5 compatibility improved
3.1.0 (May 29, 05, 2017)
- Frontend management added back (PRO)
- Pagination bug fixed
- Some texts edited
- Display of excerpt text in subscriptions fixed (PRO)
- Show/hide Title removed
- Extra layouts settings added
- Sharing via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn added
- RUB currency symbol issue fixed
3.0.2 (MAY, 10, 2017)
- Area field fixed
- Search widget enhanced by search by tags
- Bug with copying fields fixed (PRO)
- Hide title option removed from Settings
- Spanish and Russian language files updated
- Shortcode [es_my_listing category=”for rent” posts_per_page=”3″ show_filter=0] fixed
- Option to use different dimensions for Lot and Area fields added
- Bug with description in bottom of page fixed
- Other minor fixes
3.0.1 (April, 18, 2017)
- New currencies added: ₹ (INR), ¥ (JPY), Fr. (CHF)
- Fixed some styles in description html text box
- Migration from ver. 2.4.0 optimized
3.0 (April, 12, 2017)
- Property became WP_Post entity
- Images upload via WP Media only
- Numerous new shortcodes added:
[es_my_listing sort="recent | highest_price | lowest_price | most_popular"]
[es_my_listing prop_id="1,2,5,6...n"]
[es_my_listing post_per_page="3"] - in case if you do not use it, number of listings is taken from Settings.
[es_features feature="a,b,c,d"] (PRO)
[es_property_map limit=20]
[es_property_map address="your address string"]
[es_property_map width/height="100px/50%"]
[es_property_slideshow show="all"]
[es_property_slideshow limit="20"]
[es_property_slideshow show_arrows=1/0] - where 1 - to show arrows, 0 - hide them
[es_property_slideshow limit="20"]
[es_property_slideshow slider effect="vertical/horizontal"]
[es_property_slideshow slides_to_show="3"]
- Filter added: most popular, most recent, highest_price, lowest_price
- Search with drag & drop feature improved
- Archive page created, can be customized using wp hooks
- Pagination improved
- Google Map improved, option to add address with lat/lng fields added (PRO only)
- Labels became editable (PRO only)
- CSV Import improved, images import via link added (PRO only)
- Subscriptions: recurring payments added (PRO only)
- Frontend management replaced by limited admin area (PRO only)
- Admin logo upload added (PRO only)
- Other fixes..
Please read our short review of this release
here >>
2.4.0 (September 26, 2016)
- Issue with Upgrade to Pro option fixed
2.3.1 (August 21, 2016)
- Arbitrary file upload vulnerability fixed
2.3.0 (August 15, 2016)
- File upload vulnerability fixed
- Review and removal of session_start() and ob_start()
- MAP API issue fixed
2.2.3 (March 30, 2016)
- Permalinks issue fixed
- Price issue > 1 mln fixed
- beds and baths translation fixed
- Search bug fixed
- Subscription plans added (PRO)
- PDF bug with currency change fixed (PRO)
- New shortcode to display listings of a specific agent added (PRO)
- Automatic/manual approval of listings added (PRO)
Please read detailed description of release
here >>
2.2.2 (November 21, 2015)
- View first menu ON/OFF option added
- Bug with currency format 99 999 fixed
- Popup icon in admin map returned
- Search results on 2,3, etc. pages fixed
- Some grammatical errors corrected
- Half baths added to front-end management page (PRO)
- Correct redirection for agents after logged into front-end management page fixed (PRO)
2.2.1 (October 22, 2015)
2.2.0 (October 22, 2015)
- Map issues fixed in frontend, admin and lightbox
- Half bathroom option added
- Dark/light style mode added
- Search widget updated with separate Country, State and City drop-down fields
- New shortcode for city added [es_city city="city name"]
- Dimension display of Area and Lot size fields bug fixed
- Slashes // in new fields removed
- Agent phone field bug fixed
- Deprecated method for wp_widget updated
Please read full description of new release
2.1.0 (July 7, 2015)
- New shortcodes for categories added: [es_category category="for sale"],[es_category type="house"],[es_category status="open"]
- New shortcode for search results page added
- French translation added
- Google Map API option added
- Search widget results page bug fixed.
- Description box bug with text fixed
- Display of area/lot size dimensions on front-end fixed
- PRO: PDF translation issue fixed
- PRO: PDF display in IE and Chrome error fixed
- PRO: Google Map API option added
- PRO: Copying images after CSV import fixed
Please read full description of new release
- Italian translation added
- Spanish translation added
- Arabic translation added
2.0 (May 16, 2015)
- Safari responsive layout issue fixed
- Google Map icons issue fixed
- PRO - HTML editor added
- PRO - Lightbox on single property page added
- PRO - Tabs issue fixed
- PRO - Map view shortcodes added
- PRO - Map view widget added
- PRO - Option to use different layouts added
Please read full description of new release
- Issue with Google Map API fixed
- Translation into Russian added
- jQuery conflicts fixed
- language files added
1.0.0 (March 24, 2015)
- Data manager is added.
- Property listings shortcodes are added.
- Search widget is added.