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EukaPay Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

开发者 tomoeukapay
更新时间 2023年5月2日 03:42
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


payment woocommerce bitcoin ethereum cryptocurrency USDT USDC


0.1.0 1.0.1 1.0.0


EukaPay helps businesses accept cryptocurrency payments and get paid in dollars or stablecoins. Grow your business with a new payment option that unlocks 300+ million crypto consumers and thousands of businesses from a $2+ trillion crypto economy. We support the top global cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, USDT, USDC, and more. Your customers can connect with nearly every wallet as we support over 100+ including MetaMask, Coinbase, Ledger Nano, and Exodus. Eliminate price volatility with the instant conversion of crypto to fiat. No need to handle multiple custody or wallets. Fees are simple and transparent, always at 1%. No setup or monthly fees. Document


  • On a checkout page, "Crypto Payment" option shows as a payment method. Your customer can select it and click "Place order" button.
  • A payment page shows and your customer scans the QR code generated to enable them to pay with 4+ major cryptocurrencies with over 100+ wallets.
  • After receiving the payment, the page redirect to your completed page.


1.0.0 2022.10.18 Initial release


1.0.0 2022.10.18