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Event Countdown Timer Plugin by TechMix

开发者 arifulislamsobuj
更新时间 2020年12月12日 13:11
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.3.1
版权: GPLv2 or later


events timer countdown countdown timer event countdown


1.01 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4


You need an Event Countdown Timer plugin if You have a campaign or event for your website and you have a regular need for displaying such countdowns. This WordPress Countdown Plugin for Event will ensure that your visitors or users can see the countdown time and elapsed time for your special events. There are quite a lot of benefits for using this Event Countdown Timer like: Help Guide Upcoming features:


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Upload plugin zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. You can do this using 'Upload' functionality provided in plugins section of your wordpress dashboard
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Appearance >> Widgets and drag Event Countdown Timer Plugin by TechMix in to your WordPress sidebar


  • Front End View


What does the Event Countdown Timer do?

The Event Countdown Timer is a plugin for your website. This plugin helps you display the countdown time to any event or campaign you may be running. Your visitors will be able to see the time elapsed and the remaining time of your event or campaign.

Can I add my own images or banners on the Event Countdown Timer?

Yes! you can add your own banner or image of your event to the Event Countdown Timer. You can add your special event banner and use it to display the event countdown.

How many Events can I show in the Event Countdown Timer?

You can add as many events as possible. There is no limit to how many events you can display with the Event Countdown Timer.

Does the Event Countdown Timer have support for Asian Languages?

Yes, you can display in Asian languages. You can actually display the event countdown in all the recognized languages.

Is there shortcode support in the Event Countdown Timer?

There is shortcode support for the Event Countdown Timer. You can add a shortcode to display events anywhere on the website. You can also add the shortcode on the Guttenberg Block

Is there any limit of widgets I can use the Event Countdown Timer on?

There are no limits to widgets you can use the Event Countdown Timer on. You can use the timer on as many widgets as you want.

Are there Event Booking options on the Event Countdown Timer?

There is no event booking option as of now in the Event Countdown Timer. But we are looking to add an event booking link and event booking full options to the event timer

Is there an Event Countdown Timer app?

As this is a WordPress plugin there is no app in for the Event Countdown Timer. You can use this on any website and it will show in mobile quite well.


  1. Add Time With Date
  2. Add Time Zone
  3. Change Backend Style
Event Countdown Timer Plugin by TechMix Ready to use