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Event Tickets with Ticket Scanner

开发者 Saso Nikolov
更新时间 2025年2月21日 01:41
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce event ticketing venue tickets ticket scanner redeem tickets party tickets


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Selling event or party tickets, member entrance with any expiration date, multipass tickets, family tickets and more. Selling different kind of tickets and redeeming them was never so easy. Optional create your own ticket look and feel with the ticket designer. The built-in anti-double-redeem-protection protects you for fake tickets beeing used. Use the built-in browser-based ticket scanner or your own ticket scanner. Hand out badges as PDF to your customers and much more. Whats in for you Sell tickets for your event or party and redeem the ticket at the entrance with the free Tickets with WooCommerce plugin, from the team behind the Serial Code Validator in WordPress. You can make your tickets look unique by adding a banner, logo and background image. The same applies also for the event or party flyer. You can offer event badges for your event. So your customer can wear them during the event. With the badge editor you can controll the look and fell. The QR code on the ticket can be customized, so that you can use your own ticket scanner and software if needed. Your third party solution can be informed once a ticket is redeemed by a webhook. You can give other person access to your ticket scanner with Auth Token System. Quick start video This plugin makes it easy to sell tickets and redeem them at the event location entrance for you in-person or virtual events. It integrates easely with your WooCommerce products. Install the plugin and set your products to be a event ticket product. That's it. The plugin will generate a secure ticket number and add them to the mail to your clients. It will also generate a PDF with the ticket information and QR code. The built-in ticket scanner allows you and your team to redeem the tickets by scanning the QR-code. You can also use an external keyboard scanner by using the text input field on the ticket scanner page. You can even import your own ticket numbers, but it will generate them also on the fly. The freedom is in your hands. The best is to try it out. So many options. Don't be shy, give it a try - you have nothing to loose :D Shop: Sell event and party tickets with your normal products. The plugin will create the ticket number on the fly or use unused ticket numbers from your ticket number list for each sold item. Validation of ticket numbers: You customer can validate a ticket number on your page. The ticket number generator gives you a flexible pattern to generate ticket numbers upfront. You can also import your existing codes. Validation of tickets: You customer will get a link to a detail page and a PDF for each sold ticket. Build your own stolen ticket number database: Support your customer and yourself to protect stolen ticket numbers to be sold or used to others. Mark reported ticket numbers as stolen and let others check the ticket numbers with the ticket number validator. How can you setup the ticket numbers? The ticket numbers will be generated by the plugin automatically, if you do not set up ticket numbers upfront. You can enter your ticket numbers within the WP admin area in the ticket number section (a new menu point in the wordpress amdin area). You can generate your own ticket numbers manually using the ticket number generator or import existing ticket numbers. And you are also able to add your own ticket numbers by just entering them to the generated ticket numbers below the ticket number generator. If needed you can assign the ticket (numbers) to a list which helps you to organize the tickets. The ticket list need to be assigned to a WooCommerce product. Create one or more ticket lists to use the WooCommerce functionality. Create bundle products - determine how many ticket numbers should be created with the sale of one product. How the ticket number works You define your look and feel for your ticket numbers. The generated ticket numbers will be unique. After you are satisfied with the generated ticket numbers, you can start the adding step. The ticket adding step will check if the ticket number is unique on the server before adding it. If the ticket number exists already on the server, it will not be added. The ticket number generator provides a lot of features:


  1. Install the pluging using the WordPress built-in Plugin installer.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Click on the menu "Event Tickets" and browse the options - optional.
  4. Edit your product to generate a event ticket.
Quick Setup This plugin extend WooCommerce to be able to setup your product as a ticket. Go to the product. Open the Event Tickets tab and activate the checkbox. Set the ticket list and fill out the other details if needed. The default is to generate the ticket if the order is "completed". For automatically order status set to "completed" set up the ticket as a virtual product and/or download product - add a flyer or so as a download. To test the ticket. Create an order within the order backend, set the order status to "completed" - this will assign the ticket numbers. Check the order email. Click on the ticket detail link to check the ticket detail page. Create a real test purchase (with coupon code or wire transfer), check the order email. If you have a 404 page for ticket detail page or ticket scanner page, then set up the compatibility options. For more help and your first steps, please visit our website


  • **Ticket Details Desktop** You can define what will be shown on the ticket.
  • **Ticket PDF** Your customer can download the ticket as a PDF.
  • **Ticket scanner** Scan and redeem the tickets at the entrance on mobile and desktop devices.
  • **Ticket Badge** Print out your ticket badge with customer name on it.
  • **Options 1** Ticket options.
  • **Options 3** Created tickets backend admin area.
  • **Options 4** Ticket numbers can be pre generated if needed.
  • **Flyer example** You can also adjust your event or party flyer.
  • **Ticket example** You can adjust different areas of the PDF ticket.
  • **Product settings** You overwrite the format of the ticket number and activate the ticket sale.
  • **Options 5** Adjust the information on the flyer.
  • **Order Ticket Detail View** Quick ticket scan possible with the order ticket detail view.


2.0.5 Attention, the option wcTicketShowRedeemBtnOnTicket is added and replace the old wcTicketDontShowRedeemBtnOnTicket. The template for the ticket designer is adjusted for this! In the future the template code part with the buttons will be removed from the ticket designer. 1.3.0 Attention, the translation forced bigger chunk of code to be changed. 1.2.0 To update the old sold tickets, please execute the "repair table" button within the support area. From now on we will store also the user id of the ticket purchase. 1.0.11 Default value is changed to true for the option ro reuse not used tickeu39974 t numbers within a ticket list assigned to a product 1.0.9 New option to add the amount of purchased tickets per sold item on the PDF. Database updated. You can see now the redeemed ticket information within the admin area on the data table. 1.0.5 Serial code options are removed. They do not fit with the event and party tickets approach. 1.0.4 Activate in the options the new feature to attach the calendar entry (ICS file) to your purchase emails. 2.4.0 New Javascript library for the ticket scanner. If you need to use the old ticket scanner, then add the parameter &useoldticketscanner=1 to the ticket scanner URL. 2.4.1 New default value for the option to allow access to the admin area of the tickets - now it is false, only administrator, until you set it otherwise. 2.5.0 Default ticket template was adjusted. Plugin tested with PHP 8.3 - to use URLs in your template for the PDF make sure you have php8.3-curl and php8.3-imagick installed.


2.5.7 - 2025-02-17 2.5.6 - 2025-02-03 2.5.5 - 2025-01-22 2.5.4 - 2025-01-20 2.5.3 - 2025-01-14 2.5.2 - 2025-01-03 2.5.1 - 2024-12-25 2.5.0 - 2024-12-23 2.4.4 - 2024-12-02 2.4.3 - 2024-11-12 2.4.2 - 2024-10-29 2.4.1 - 2024-10-21 2.4.0 - 2024-09-25