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Events In

开发者 Aims Creation
Poorvi Nagar
Aditya Bannatwala
更新时间 2025年1月17日 00:37
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5


booking calendar events ticket organiser


1.1.0 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.7


The Events In Plugin is designed to facilitate the such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and social gatherings. This WordPress event plugin integrates seamlessly with existing event management systems or can be used as a standalone solution to streamline event listing and coordination processes. Events in Plugin gives a comprehensive solution for any event, conference, or seminar. Events in the plugin are compatible with all WordPress themes. It is compatible with smartphones, tablets, and computers. You can create an infinite number of event listings with several options. Events in plugins also have many block options in the admin panel, allowing you to easily integrate event calendars and event listings. [youtube]


Installing the plugin is easy. Just follow one of the following methods: Install Events In from within Wordpress
  1. Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’
  2. Search for "Events In"
  3. Activate The Events In from your Plugins page
  4. You\'re done!
Manual Installation
  1. Download the Events Zip file.
  2. Go to the WordPress dashboard, and in the plugin section, click on the Add new plugin. 3: Upload the events as a zip file and activate the plugin. 4: Your plugin is now activated. You can change event settings and create an unlimited number of event listings. 5: You may use a shortcode or blocks to display events or an event calendar on a page or post.


Is the Events plugin responsive?

Yes, it is responsive on mobile, tablet, and desktop.

Can we display an event calendar using this plugin?

Yes, you may build a calendar as well.

Can we utilise blocks to create event pages?

Yes, you can utilise many blocks to create an event.

Is it compatible with the block theme?

Yes, it is compatible with the Block theme.

How do we add an event booking form?

You need to use the Events in Pro plugin.

Which payment gateways are available for event booking in the Events Pro plugin?

COD, Stripe, PayPal, and bank deposit options are available for payment gateway.
