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Everything Accordion

开发者 Mostafa Shahiri
更新时间 2020年6月27日 17:20
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.6.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.x


widget posts pages featured image accordion readmore




The Everything Accordion is a simple widget that shows wordpress widgets, posts and pages in an pretty accordion. It enables you to control:
  1. displaying the widgets
  2. displaying the separated posts
  3. displaying the pages
  4. displaying posts of some specific categories
  5. different filters for posts and pages
  6. Ordering posts and pages based on created date, modified date, views, comments count and random.
  7. Showing pages and posts in two different modes: 1)Introtext includes featured image+inro content+readmore link. 2)Fulltext mode
  8. Custom text for readmore links.
  9. Some other filters for showing the categories, author, published date, modified date and comments count of the pages or posts.
If you like to apply your style to this widget, you can edit everythingaccordion.css file. The ID of this widget is everything_accordion. Now we explain about CSS classes are used in Everything Accordion : .evachead: CSS class for styling accordion headers .accord_widget: CSS class for styling widgets .accord_content: CSS class for styling accordion panel .info: CSS class for styling info small tags .infoblock: All small tags have been placed in a div with this CSS class. (Parent div class for small tags) .accord_img: CSS class for featured images divs .accord_post: CSS class for styling posts or pages content divs .accord_readmore: CSS class for parent divs of readmore links.


Upload the Widget Everything Accordion plugin to your blog, Activate it.


  • Output Demo
  • Backend settings
  • Output Demo
  • Output Demo
  • Output Demo
  • Backend settings
  • Output Demo
  • Output Demo


1.0 First release