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Paysera Tickets

开发者 EVP International
更新时间 2015年2月10日 14:47
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.1
版权: GPLv2


payment payment gateway tickets online payment paysera



Sell tickets online with Paysera Tickets Take full control over your event and start selling tickets online in minutes. Paysera Tickets is a complete WordPress plugin for event hosts. It lets you create multiple ticket types, customize ticket designs and emails, setup discount codes, manage orders, verify tickets with a smartphone in any venue and many more features that makes it easy to host an event.


  1. Login to WordPress admin panel.
  2. Open Paysera „Tickets“ in your wordpress control panel on the left-hand side.
Creating an Event Type
  1. First of all you have to create an Event Type, click on „Manage Event Type“ and then „Add“.
  2. Set your locale.
  3. Set a Name for your Event Type.
  4. Next “Max tickets/user”, set a maximum amount of tickets available for purchase per single order.
  5. In the „Status“ field set your Event Type as „Active“ and ready for use.
  6. In the next field – “Pay by Invoice option”, you may allow or forbid users from paying by invoice. If you don’t need this functionality, leave it as default - “Inactive”.
  7. If the last field – “Ability to issue Invoice” is set to “Active”. Ticket buyer will be able to mark that he/she needs an invoice. To receive an invoice, buyer will have to fill in the following information: Company name, company code, address, VAT code. Leave this field as “Inactive” if you do not need this functionality.
  8. After providing all information about the Event Type click „Save“.
  9. In case you need to change settings of your Event Type, navigate to “Event Types“ and in the “Action” column click on „ … “ and then „Edit“. See an example screenshot below.
  10. After you have saved “Event Type”, you can click on “Edit”, change locale and if necessary provide event information in other languages as well and click “Save” again. more information -


Version: 2015-01-06